small box , no room !

high all

i have a small box with 4 female plants in their week 3 12/12
one female looks developing very nicely , the other seems very late

so what should i do ? im thinking of killing 2 weak females and keep the 2 strong females

any idea ?



Well-Known Member
1 kill off a couple of ladies , they will be growing even bigger in the near future
2 walk to the woods and loose a couple , you may get a bit of a yield so ?
3 make another box and house the others in there
4 give um away
5 buy a small greenhouse set up and stick them in there
6 leave all the girls in there but remove the fans to allow light to the bud sites only , this will reduce the yeild on all plants but will allow light to get through and create a yield
7 pray

cant say more than
i really only have options 1 , 4 , 6
in your opinion what 2 should i kill ?
i have 2 with internods and more white hairs
and 2 still developing their first few white hairs