Small black specs on my clone rockwool cubes!


Well-Known Member
What could these black specs be on my rockwool cubes. Possible the humidity was or is too high, and henceforth i have mold?
They have been under my makeshift humidity dome, i think it is too small i got another much larger one today, took the empty 300 mini candy cane container from work.
The cubes and the clones have been in place since Wednesday, i have been spraying them with Thrive Alive B1 like my sheet for my nuts says so.
Any info is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Well it isnt that dark of a liquid but i could be, should i even use the Thrive alive and just use normal ph adjusted water?


Well-Known Member
i had small shiny black balls and flakes in my rockwool, torned out to be fungus gnat eggs. i noticed the larve crawling around on my seedlings shortly after