Small black bugs, need help!


New Member
Alright so Today while I was watering one of my plants an I had first noticed one small black bug then i kept looking an found quite a few more. So really my question is what can I do to get rid of these little things before they destroy my beautiful plant!!


Well-Known Member
are the leaves having little white dots on top, and on the bottom of the leaves are the bugs and a lot of powder looking things. eggs? spyder mites ! if this is what you seeing. your not fucked yet that's the good news. post back to use if this is what your talking about ill tell you how to kill them 100 % its not easy


Well-Known Member
where did you find them On the bottom of the leafs or on the bottom of the stem ?


New Member
They are little black ones and all on top of the leaves. I'm pretty positive they aren't spider mites. They kind of look like an extremely small beetle.


Well-Known Member
should google . beneficial bugs , and destructive bugs, for plants. will find a nice pic print it up and stick it on the wall. if its a beatle besides lady bug you don't want it.


Well-Known Member
should google . beneficial bugs , and destructive bugs, for plants. will find a nice pic print it up and stick it on the wall. if its a beatle besides lady bug you don't want it.
Nice post ! You beat me on like the same train of thought.. :weed: can't send rep will hit ya laters :leaf:


New Member
As far as I can tell as of now, they seem to be eating my plant leaving holes all over multiple leaves all over the plant. Im going to check on it tomorrow as soon as I'm up to check it out again. I'm really hoping they dont do anything to severe. It would suck to have my firat grow botched cause of these little f*ckers


Well-Known Member
yes and no depending on what you use. Try some organic insectisidal soap first. Or theres some home remedies you can make.


Well-Known Member
before neem i'd try spinosad. Captain jacks deadbug brew is my favorite, because it targets a myriad of pests.
I also bought the turbo spreader sticker which is a wetting agent, if outdoors you can mix all this in your mixer sprayer and get rid of things.
things to know is have the plant watered first for at least a half hour, that'll reduce water intake through leaves. Now i get all the leaves wet with water (night time or early morning is best time to apply, no sun, also you want as little wind as possible.)
as the leaves start to dry now i apply the pesticide, this will give it extra time to set in and do work. Your goal of pesticides is to have it stay on there as long as possibvle with the correct mix ratio.
i repeat this a week later, giving the plant a few rinses inbetween to keep the Stomata clean
now after it rains, i get some sluggo plus and go around the perimeter of the grow with it. (spinosad laced Dry noodle) The moisture from the ground saturates the noodle and attracts slugs, earwigs, and other pests that get to your plant from the ground.
Spinosad is systemic which means it will not actually kill the bugs but it will stop them from reproducing (some bugs it does kil though )

This is much safer than neem and will give you the natural application u wanted


Well-Known Member
just FYI spinosad is great stuff but does kill bees. you should alternate sprays if possible.


Well-Known Member
I've seen a few of those on my plants here and there, not many at all. I use neem oil on a fairly regular basis, and sometimes if i start seeing higher amounts of insects i switch to Monterey with Spinosad 3x every 4 to 5 days. Spinosad works! Growing outdoors, especially where I'm at, is a never ending battle, all you can do is keep the buds in check. Be vigilant so nothing gets out of control. I think next year I'm going to scale my garden down abit. It's becoming a lot of work dealing with the plants I have now. For some reason I've noticed the plants I have in pots are not being attacked as much as the plants I have in the ground. So I think next year I going with all smart pots- they do drink water like mad though.


New Member
Thanks everyone for the advice! I went threw both my plants this a.m. And handpicked and killed all these suckers. Now I'm gonna go and buy some of that neem oil an give it a try. I'll let yall know if these batard return after I neem this sucker.


Active Member
I have the same bug, don't know the name either. Been dealing with these for years. Kill them manually by squishing them - keeping their numbers down is very important. I notice that in high concentrations they can do damage to the tips of the buds/new growth, starting late July t hey appear. I've been using the Doktor Doom Go Green Botanics Insecticide spray for couple years in the late EVENINGS to patrol my plants and manually kill and/or spray the bugs that I see. Works for me. Check often. They prefer flowering plants, so check vicinity for anything like that and unleash the fury with the insecticide sprays. I specifically grow tansy, it starts flowering in early August, and it attracts many of these buggers. Then I have some fun with da spray!