small-ass space


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. So I'm interested in doing my first indoor grow. only problem, I have next to no space to work with. I want to grow in a box that I will construct that will be approximately 6-7" (deep) x 1' (width) x 3' (tall) which I will paint white. I don't need big plants, its just for personal use and as a bit of an experiment. I might try a bit of a scrog or just grow one or 2 plants straight up. I was wondering if it would work to use one or two compact fluorescent bulbs (preferably one) to put in the box. Once I get some feedback I will start building the box and post pictures. I want to just do this so I have some chron after my outdoor harvest is all gone. It's my first year growing, so bear with any newbish comments :p Thanks for reading :)


Well-Known Member
hey i made a box that is about 2 feet tall and about 8 inches wide ( its a trangular box) It can fit one lowryder plant and i like it because i too have little to no space work with


Well-Known Member
scrog is good for small spaces and a low number of plants. makes them grow horizontally instead of vertically.
ive never messed with cfls but my guess would be you need more than 1 or 2 but i guess it all depends on what wattage


Well-Known Member
Wow that was fast lol...
well I'm looking at having maybe a 26W floodlight type bulb. I could get it coloured, cause from what I've read different colours help for veg and flowering.


Well-Known Member
basically, I have the back corner of a closet to hide this box in behind shit lol. i figured its a pretty small space if you ask me. it might be easier than i thought, so cool.
so what way do you suggest i look at it? i'm open to anything, as long as i get buds :p


Active Member
Get a red/blue mixed LED panel and 2 42w CFL the LED panel is good and the entire setup is virtually heat free.


Well-Known Member
are the led panels common to find in hardware stores? cause i cant really order one or anything. trying to keep it hidden from the parents ;) lol. how big are the led panels, btw? and how much would it run me?


Active Member
do 12/12 from seed to keep em small...and i found plans online for led setups if your electronically inclined you can build it right into the top of the box so you have more room for buds


Well-Known Member
Work really hard to find a gorilla grow spot man, if you grow any buds your parents will smell it. You have to go outdoor, find a spot, really work the soil and amend it, and hope its hidden enough. Go to the nearest park and find a spot you need to climb to get too.


Well-Known Member
I have a guerilla grow right now. if you read the first post, you'd see that i'm just doing like one plant or two indoors so i can have some bud towards the end of the winter.
Also, I burn incense in my room, so i don't think smell is a big issue.
I'm not overly electronically inclined, so I don't think i'll build the leds in. if i use led, i'll just pick up a small led light for accent that i can plug into the timer. other than that, i'm thinking of just picking up whatever i'll need for a small scrog and three or four 26W cfl bulbs.

I have a quick newb question too... if i use a clone, is it gong to be possible to top and everything? I have a friends house where I can start the clone on 24hr light before I move it to my place, so I got that covered. I was just wondering if it would be more worth starting clones that I know will be female rather than taking the chance with seeds.


Active Member
yea especially with sucha small hiding spot...topping clones helps them root better too but i think you have to veg them a couple weeks before toppnig them..not too sure...need backup on that one

Ram Baba

Active Member
:hump:why don't you just build a stealth cabinet that you can fit into your closet or something. would be better, u can have circulation of air, and few more plants.


Well-Known Member
That's basically what I'm gonna do. and I think i'm gonna set up the platers that I put them in with the screen attached so I an raise it to the light when it's young and lower as I need to.

Also, turns out I have about 8" depth to work with, about 1.5 to 2' width, and about 2' height. The height isnt a whole lot. so I think the scrog will be the best idea. I'm gonna have some sort of REALLY QUIET fan going in one side with some sort of hole in the other side to vent it. I have a couple of optiosn for lighting...
1) There's the CFL option, which theres been so much debate about. They seem pretty good to keep stealth because of the energy costs and what not, but the heat that I hear these things give off kinda scares me, but not enough that I wouldn't use them. I've had CFL lighting where I work for over a year, and they're on 24/7 and have never had a problem. I would place them in the sides of the box sideways, and maybe have reflective tape in the top like 1/4 or so of the box with white for the rest of the box painted white to get all the light out of them I can.
2) I could use halogen lights. This is a link to the type of bulbs that I would get. Canadian Tire
Yes, it's Canadian Tire. I'm Canadian and damn proud of it! Aanyways, I don't know if this is the exact same type, but we also have these where I work, and they also seem to heat up pretty toasty. They's 50W, so the pack of 4 would definately be enough for my box. might even be a little overkill.
So this is my plan up until now. I'm planning to build this box sometime very soon after I'm done harvesting outdoors. And for the indoor plants, I'm not sure, but I might take some clones from my outdoor bagseeds. They may fare better inside. Any suggestions from here?

p.s. I willto get building this box soon so I can see if it will actually fit where I want it to, and i'll post pics to get feedback.

Ram Baba

Active Member
hey dude heres a few suggestions that you might already know:

1) if you decide to use clones from your outdoor bud-dies, use a cutting from a really good mother plant still in vegetation.

2) you can order some nice strain that is feminized so you don't have to worry about trying two plants for example and both being males. that would be a waste of time for you and your stealth.

Don't use Incandescent or Halogen. They will cause heat and don't really have the sun's spectral light that plants thrive on.
DO get high wattage CFLS. I would suggest the spiral compact florescent that you can find at a hardware store. ex (100w CFL) 2 bulbs. you can get a dual/or (2) dual mogul sockets to put the CFLS in. trust me its not overkill, and you can get them very very close to your plants. In terms of budding, you might want to add some extra CFL's (warm CFLs) when you are ready for 12/12

Also you can look into a 70w, 150w HID such as MH or HPS, however you should make sure it wont be too stuffy and the plants can get fresh air and
also the HID bulbs produce considerably more heat. Try to start browsing threads in the indoor sections, it will help !
and make sure you aim for an indica and the box should be light tight so as to not disrupt the lighting cycles once you're into flowering (20 - 50 days after cutting/seed) 12/12 lighting cycle.



Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for the help man! I really appreciate it.
I have considered getting some feminized seeds, cause there's a seedbank in Toronto that I can get to. They do cost a pretty penny tho, so I'm not sure if it'll be worth it for me. I'll definately check it out though. I think my outdoor plants are starting to get into flower now, so I don't think I'll be able to take clones from them :( Oh well, I know someone who I can get clones from indoor crops.
As for the lights, I will be going with CFL then. I could go with 2 100W, but when I look at the page it says that the 26W CFL equals the equivelant of a 100W regular bulb. kinda confusing. So should I get 4 29W CFL bulbs, with one dual socket on each side of the box, so it will cover more area? This is the link for the CFL i'm looking at.
Canadian Tire
This is Kind of confusing, because this other bulb is 23W and says its equal to a 100W bulb as well...
Canadian Tire

I don't really want to get into any HID or MH at this point. especially with the conditios i'm growing in.
And the light will be very easy to cut out, as it is in a closet with a door and piles of clothes and shit in front of it. Not to say that I won't take special care in making it light tight anyways so it doesn't get noticed.

I really have to start shortening my replies... it's getting rediculous! lol

Ram Baba

Active Member
I can't see the items because it wants my zip code:?

But basically you want to just walk into the store, look for the one with lots of lumens and Cool running.

so for example 32w Cool CFL (spiral kind) 6,700 lumens ok.
try to aim for as much as you can do, because it will effect your electric bill slightly, few dollars at least.

so i would suggest you shop around a bit, even online if you can get it shipped that is- its just cfl's so you're fairly safe. just try to find the highest spiraly cool cfl's you can. and yeah you can do that setup of two on either side, just remember that more light the better and CFLs are not too powerful.

going back to the seeds , :hump:
the reason its a good idea to invest in a female seed is that
1) you will know wat best strain to get for your height/light limitations
2) you will not waste 45-60 days trying to figure out if its even a female.

so in essence, either get a cutting from your mate,
get a female seed,
get some cool high output CFLs
and you should be able to get a little bud for your efforts.
remember though that CFLs are not too powerful, so you might want to step it up during 12/12.
get pleanty of MYLAR. very important especially with CFLs because the lumens disperse quickly and light spreads. keep it concealed and concentrated on the plant(s)
and have good ventalation.
you can even trigger flowering after like 17-20 days of growth to keep plant short. indica ! remember,
because sativas can get like 9' - 25' feet tall. lol and you don't have room for a tree.

we're all here to learn !:mrgreen::joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. So I'm interested in doing my first indoor grow. only problem, I have next to no space to work with. I want to grow in a box that I will construct that will be approximately 6-7" (deep) x 1' (width) x 3' (tall) which I will paint white. I don't need big plants, its just for personal use and as a bit of an experiment. I might try a bit of a scrog or just grow one or 2 plants straight up. I was wondering if it would work to use one or two compact fluorescent bulbs (preferably one) to put in the box. Once I get some feedback I will start building the box and post pictures. I want to just do this so I have some chron after my outdoor harvest is all gone. It's my first year growing, so bear with any newbish comments :p Thanks for reading :)
CFLs are fine. Read Buds For Less.

With such a small space you should seek the shortest strain you can find. It won't produce a great deal of bud, but it will be good stuff.

Good luck.
scrog is good for small spaces and a low number of plants. makes them grow horizontally instead of vertically.
ive never messed with cfls but my guess would be you need more than 1 or 2 but i guess it all depends on what wattage
When you say SCROG are you speaking of the Sea of Green method? SOG or SCROG typically refers to Sea of Green.

Sea of Green requires many small plants and space/lighting enough to maintain at least three separate phases of plant growth. It is not appropriate for such a small space.
do 12/12 from seed to keep em small.
If you want scrawny plants with virtually no bud, do this.
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