Small Ass Seedlings Still, and Yellowish leaves.... Please I need answers


Well-Known Member
So these plants are about 11 days old now from breaking the ground. They are still so tiny and it seems like the past 4 days they have not grown what so ever. I don't think I have been overwatering I have probably watered them a total of 3 times and I waited for the shit to feel dry. They are in 2.5 gallon buckets, I am trying hempy buckets with about 70/30 coco to perlite. I am using canna coco natural and I prewashed the perlite.

Anyone know why they are so slow to grow? My temps have been good about 71-77 F at its hottest. I am using a Mars 2 Led 900w I've seen other peoples grows with this light and it doesn't seem to go this slow.

I gave the coco mix a small amount of nutes when I threw the seeds in because I read you should precharge coco , very small dosage of the nutes, when they sprouted they were green as fuck looking healthy but still tiny as hell. The third to last photo of that tiny little fucker, the smallest one, that thing has BARELY even grown any size at all but its leaves look the healthiest green of all of them so this shit is really confusing me.

I have been ph'ing the water to 6.0 whenever I watered and the most recent water I ph'ed to 5.8 to see if it changed anything. Seems like it didn't change shit.

The first watering was when I precharged the coco, I gave it a small dosage of all the nutes. phd to 6.0

My second watering I gave it no nutes other than a small ass amount of liquid seaweed and an even small dosage of silica blast. phd to 6.0

My third watering, my most recent, I gave it a very small dosage of calmag and silica blast because this is when I noticed the leaves were continuing to yellow on some of the plant. phd to 5.8

I don't know what the frick I should do to these plants , any suggestions? They really seem like they haven't grown at all the past 4 days and seem to be getting more yellow.... other than the tiny bitch , that one seems like it hasn't grown/changed at all , just a 'healthy' green tiny fuck.


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A little bit more info, the 1st pic is a critical super silver haze, the 2nd pic is a danky doodle from kc brains, the 4th pic is a double dutch from serious seeds and the 5th is another danky doodle.

O ya, the light is 36" away from the tops of the buckets so I don't think it is too close.
Don't give nuts to seedling wtf lol u water as little as u can a seed Carrys inside it plenty to last it a good 2 weeks when u water water the edges of the pot and only like half a cup full at a time edge watering makes it grow downward healthy roots also what is the humidity u need about 70% for seedling to boom
Don't give nuts to seedling wtf lol u water as little as u can a seed Carrys inside it plenty to last it a good 2 weeks when u water water the edges of the pot and only like half a cup full at a time edge watering makes it grow downward healthy roots also what is the humidity u need about 70% for seedling to boom

I think my humidity is pretty low any tips on how to bring it up, and should I not give any calmag? I have been using RO water that is 14ppm and when I added calmag it went up to 55 ppm. Was I not supposed to 'precharge' the coco... I've read a lot that you are supposed to do that.... precharge with 1/4 nute dosage.
I think my humidity is pretty low any tips on how to bring it up, and should I not give any calmag? I have been using RO water that is 14ppm and when I added calmag it went up to 55 ppm. Was I not supposed to 'precharge' the coco... I've read a lot that you are supposed to do that.... precharge with 1/4 nute dosage.
It's my opinion not to gives nut for first 2 weeks unless plant booms and needs it .
it has everything it needs in the seed just need water light and correct humidity as for humidity what r u growing in a tent room outside need more info
It's my opinion not to gives nut for first 2 weeks unless plant booms and needs it .
it has everything it needs in the seed just need water light and correct humidity as for humidity what r u growing in a tent room outside need more info

True, I'm growing in a 5x5 grow tent with about a 170 cfm fan intake blowing in cool air, the temps get to 77-78 F at most
I just now put a bucket of water with paper towels on the edge directly to where the fan is blowing hopefully that will get the humidity higher.
True, I'm growing in a 5x5 grow tent with about a 170 cfm fan intake blowing in cool air, the temps get to 77-78 F at most
I just now put a bucket of water with paper towels on the edge directly to where the fan is blowing hopefully that will get the humidity higher.
Maybe bigger pots 2
Maybe bigger pots 2
I don't know about that man, look at those things! any bigger and they'd get root-rot for sure, I always plant seeds and clones on polo cups and transplant when they get a nice healthy root system, you CAN start them in those big ole containers but it's waaay more difficult to control the soils water retension, they need to dry out
I don't know about that man, look at those things! any bigger and they'd get root-rot for sure, I always plant seeds and clones on polo cups and transplant when they get a nice healthy root system, you CAN start them in those big ole containers but it's waaay more difficult to control the soils water retension, they need to dry out
Root rot r u serious? I always plant mine straight in to big pot I never transplant I've never had anything but healthy seedlings Just don't over water em and u will not get rot
Any auto grower will tell u to plant straight into the big pot there is no need for transplant all starting in a smaller pot does is over manage ur plants the best way is straight into ur biggest pot u plants will grow faster
Root rot r u serious? I always plant mine straight in to big pot I never transplant I've never had anything but healthy seedlings Just don't over water em and u will not get rot
Any auto grower will tell u to plant straight into the big pot there is no need for transplant all starting in a smaller pot does is over manage ur plants the best way is straight into ur biggest pot u plants will grow faster
I disagree, and I didn't catch the part where he said they are autos...
and yes im serious I never plant seedlings or clones into a pot that size, you are asking for trouble, it is possible to do, but you'd have to be really careful.
We'll agree to disagree on that, I have much better results when transplanted a few times to build up the root system, that's all from post-harvest inspections on root systems, so this is from my experience, I've transplanted clones/seedling into large pots and I found a less dense rootball, more soil spots that didn't have roots densely packed in, but I never grow autos, in fact I HATE autos, but I grow from mothers so that my reasoning
I notice seeds take longer to grow initially when in large pots. The taproot hits bottom then starts growing. I too like to transplant 3 times so I can stick my thumbs into the bottom of the root ball and rip it open and lay it in a new pot. I get great results.
I've grow more then autos my friend lol ...transplanting causes stress how does it build up a root system lol proper watering does when u replant it takes time for the root to recover and stops upward growth and the plant will concentrate on roots this is true
Planting straight into ur big pot will allow the plant to grow upward faster and the roots to develop at the normal rate if I put a seedling into say a 3 galleon pot from the word go it will be root bound faster then if u go from a cup to a 1 galleon to a 3 galleon. Clones r a different story altogether ... But we was talking about a seedling not a clone .. And there is no difference from a auto to a normal plant in veg except with a auto u need to veg 100% no errors to gain a decent yield and how the fck do u hate something u have never grown
If u grow a normal plant like a auto u will def have a much larger plant after u veg then if u fuck around swapin pot damaging it roots with ur fuckin stupidity and dumbness ppl like u r idiots go grow a auto man bet u would yield fck all with replanting shit cause the plant will be a stunted fucking disaster u can fuck with a normal plant cause u don't have time restraints with auto to gain decent yield u will learn how to maximise the tiny veg time u have now I've said enough and I've been drinking and the root rot shit is absolute fucking bullshit go try sell ur tunnel fucking vision to someone else u cock smokin small mined fuck I bet 100% that a auto grower would out yield u with any type of plant givin a certain amount of time
whoa, whoa whoa, i disagree with you and now, i'm a small "mined" fuck, that smokes cock? I RESPECTFULLY disagreed and thats how you responded, are you like a child? ok dude, that's some pretty tough talk. Another addition to my ignore list.
Sure, an auto grower will out yield me, no problem, I grow bonsai plants on my north-facing window sill.
like I said, we'll agree to disagree, all my statements were from my experience and I've done it both ways. It's all good man, there are a million ways to grow herb and everyone think their way is best.
I've transplanted perhaps over a thousand plants, and after a bit you get the hang of it, and my transplants, coupled with the frequent application of mychorrizae and the plants don't stop growing, I see new growth (continued growth really). And like I said, post-harvest I see a more established rootball from this than from a direct transplant into a large container. I don't want to argue, you way works, and so does mine, I prefer mine, you prefer yours. It's a matter of preference, we could argue about hydro vs organic, or no-till vs not, its preference. There are multiple EFFECTIVE ways to grow outstanding herb, and over the last 25 yrs, I've honed my growing technique to what suits me.
Thanks for "trying" to get personal, I smile about it, in the REAL world, I guarantee you'd NEVER say that in person, but that's another story. Have a good life man, hopefully you get that anger issue in check, I'm gonna go smoke a bowl with my awesome dog and my beautiful girlfriend. You are obviously angry and i'm smiling. I suggest you ditch the drinking, stick to herb, or someday your mouth will get you in trouble.
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I notice seeds take longer to grow initially when in large pots. The taproot hits bottom then starts growing. I too like to transplant 3 times so I can stick my thumbs into the bottom of the root ball and rip it open and lay it in a new pot. I get great results.
my point exactly, you NOTICED, you have a opinion based on experience, that's great, I don't make up arbitrary shit, its all from what I've LEARNED from first hand experience, I swear that's two douche-bags in three days...
whoa, whoa whoa, i disagree with you and now, i'm a small "mined" fuck, that smokes cock? I RESPECTFULLY disagreed and thats how you responded, are you like a child? ok dude, that's some pretty tough talk. Another addition to my ignore list.
Sure, an auto grower will out yield me, no problem, I grow bonsai plants on my north-facing window sill.
like I said, we'll agree to disagree, all my statements were from my experience and I've done it both ways. It's all good man, there are a million ways to grow herb and everyone think their way is best.
I've transplanted perhaps over a thousand plants, and after a bit you get the hang of it, and my transplants, coupled with the frequent application of mychorrizae and the plants don't stop growing, I see new growth (continued growth really). And like I said, post-harvest I see a more established rootball from this than from a direct transplant into a large container. I don't want to argue, you way works, and so does mine, I prefer mine, you prefer yours. It's a matter of preference, we could argue about hydro vs organic, or no-till vs not, its preference. There are multiple EFFECTIVE ways to grow outstanding herb, and over the last 25 yrs, I've honed my growing technique to what suits me.
Thanks for "trying" to get personal, I smile about it, in the REAL world, I guarantee you'd NEVER say that in person, but that's another story. Have a good life man, hopefully you get that anger issue in check, I'm gonna go smoke a bowl with my awesome dog and my beautiful girlfriend. You are obviously angry and i'm smiling. I suggest you ditch the drinking, stick to herb, or someday your mouth will get you in trouble.
I just read what I wrote last night I think I need lay off the drink lol my apologies post deleted
so just a little update , after making the ghetto humidifier the plants seem to be not yellowing anymore, a nice green color is coming back in the center inner parts of the leaves so I think they are going back to normal , I'm just gonna feed them plain ph'd water until they are bigger.
I notice seeds take longer to grow initially when in large pots. The taproot hits bottom then starts growing. I too like to transplant 3 times so I can stick my thumbs into the bottom of the root ball and rip it open and lay it in a new pot. I get great results.
You like to stick your thumbs into bottoms and rip it open!!!???Oh my god!!!
whoa, whoa whoa, i disagree with you and now, i'm a small "mined" fuck, that smokes cock? I RESPECTFULLY disagreed and thats how you responded, are you like a child? ok dude, that's some pretty tough talk. Another addition to my ignore list.
Sure, an auto grower will out yield me, no problem, I grow bonsai plants on my north-facing window sill.
like I said, we'll agree to disagree, all my statements were from my experience and I've done it both ways. It's all good man, there are a million ways to grow herb and everyone think their way is best.
I've transplanted perhaps over a thousand plants, and after a bit you get the hang of it, and my transplants, coupled with the frequent application of mychorrizae and the plants don't stop growing, I see new growth (continued growth really). And like I said, post-harvest I see a more established rootball from this than from a direct transplant into a large container. I don't want to argue, you way works, and so does mine, I prefer mine, you prefer yours. It's a matter of preference, we could argue about hydro vs organic, or no-till vs not, its preference. There are multiple EFFECTIVE ways to grow outstanding herb, and over the last 25 yrs, I've honed my growing technique to what suits me.
Thanks for "trying" to get personal, I smile about it, in the REAL world, I guarantee you'd NEVER say that in person, but that's another story. Have a good life man, hopefully you get that anger issue in check, I'm gonna go smoke a bowl with my awesome dog and my beautiful girlfriend. You are obviously angry and i'm smiling. I suggest you ditch the drinking, stick to herb, or someday your mouth will get you in trouble.
Great reply. I do believe That It all comes Down to preference. It also have p
Oh my God. I'm doing the same shit with my widow. I accidentally cracked the middle stem by accident and it spread we'll. I my ace of spades looks like the 4 head beast your about to grow. Ill send pics. You just have m e an idea. I'm about to start mini look I popping and training it now.


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