Small 1st Time Op-Few Questions

Ok, so this is my first post, though I've lurked a bit reading everything I could before I bothered to make a thread.

This will be my first grow, and I expect for it to be more of a learning experience than a real harvest, but I'd like to do as much right as possible the first time as well.

I have a basement to set up in, with two different options as far as where to put the room, if indeed I end up closing it off at all, which is another question...

Should I use -
A)the 7'x6'x5' space in one corner, near a washer/dryer, which means I can tap the vent if needed, with good outlets and beams to hang lights, or..
B)other side of the basement, maybe 1-2' longer, and a foot or so wider usable space, and located next to heater/hot water much Co2 would I get off being near those, if any?

And then I run into whether or not to divide off whichever section I use, or just let air circulate in the whole basement, again, to benefit from whatever Co2 the heaters are putting out, if applicable.

As far as lights, since I'm trying a small op to start, I was thinking of going fluorescent, despite all the hate on it, just because it will be a small, mostly mystery crop, and I don't want to have to go too nuts on cooling just yet. Would 2x3-4' tubes be enough for at most 6 ladies? Or am I better off going CFL if I'm doing fluorescent?

As far as seeds, I'm going to see what I get, as I'm just using bagseed for now, to see how I and my setup do. Most of it is garbage midgrade mystery beans, but I have 6-8 definite examples, from 6yr old N. Lights , to a few that I found in some OG Kush that I'm praying will be female and actually sprout, as they look the healthiest, are the freshest, and at least of a strain that I know would do well with the low ceilings.

So, I've read a few guides, and a lot of threads on room setups, lighting, feeding, and a handful of journals, if there's anything specific anyone can add, I'd love the advice. If I can get anything to survive this first op at least to veggie, I've got maybe another 30-40 seeds to try, then I'd love to get serious and order some good seeds. We'll see how it goes, I guess.

Thanks in advance for any answers/help, I hope to continue posting my progress here, for better or worse, my education is beginning now....:leaf:
I would be more concerned with ventilation my first grow, as you will be surprised...I'd go next to the dryer.

you will never stop learning when it comes to cannabis

I use CFLs (T5)

and HPS to flower
my best advice is to never get discouraged and do alot of reading and watching videos and learn how to clone so you will be self sufficient

and dont tell anyone you are growing.

Good Luck +rep
I'm not worried too much about ventilation as far as odor, as my little street always smells like weed to begin with, it's like an unspoken collective of hippies that all just stay inside all day minding their own, no LEOs to speak of.

As far as ventilation for temp, I'm definitely getting fans, to circulate air around the plants and lights, but until I figure out how closed off the space will be I don't know if I'll need exhaust pulling air away from the op area.

If I do need to enclose the space, are hanging a fabric or tarp sufficient, or should I go straight plywood walls? The entire basement can be kept dark for night, so what purpose would closing off the area serve besides being light-proof?
Quick update on progress, and a bump because I really need feedback-

So far have decided on the 7'x6' space by the washer/dryer, not so much for the vent but convenience as far as space goes. I have 6 small pots ready to go, out of 20+ seeds, hoping to get at least 4 to germ, since to start I only have 4 lights available, just waiting on better bulbs. My question here is, can I get away with only 4 26w(100w) bulbs for a few weeks, until I can up the number of fixtures?

Soil is ready, and I have a rough idea of how I'm setting up the pots and lights for the first stage of growth, but I have to devise a drainage system involving something simple like a bucket, and decide whether to wall off the corner of the basement or just hang something. Anyone on the merits of foil, or no?

And one last question for now, will a household air purifier do anything negative or positive to the plants if it's running in the vicinity? Won't pull Co2 out of the air or anything, will it? I also have a dehumidifier I can run down there if humidity gets too high, I don't think too low will be an issue with my location.
Ok, so quick bumpdate, got my first signs of life today! I checked my beans and while I didn't want to expose them too much, the first few I saw had some cracking open and little shoots appeared almost ready to pop out. How much longer should I wait to check them all? Will checking them too much hurt? Using paper towel germ method, in tupperware type container, keeping it moist, but not wet, and nice and warm. At a little over 36hrs now.

Grow room's half set up, finishing up with lighting today, have fixtures for 3 out of the 4 bulbs I plan to start with, but may go to 6 if splitters and bulbs are cheap when I hit the store later. Need to deal with fans, get my soil and pots cleaned and prepped, and get a Ph test for soil and water before I dare put any sprouts in dirt.

Wish me luck that more of my beans will sprout, and that they'll be ladies! And any other comments or tips, especially on soil, initial potting, and germination, would be greatly appreciated today...feeling like an anxious parent in the hospital waiting room right now...:leaf:

EDIT: Pics to come later hopefully, using my gf's crappy old imac right now, but I'll try to get something of the setup later on my cell at least.
Ok, another update to anyone that cares-

Mylar blankets pretty much hung, just have two more that I want to fit onto the ceiling somehow, around fixtures and the light mounts.

12 germed seeds in dirt, right under 6x 27w(100) CFLs, working on wiring three more lights that will hopefully be adjustable so that I can place them around the plants where needed. Limited tools right now so mounting them to the plastic table legs I'm using for mounts requires sautering the plastic to make screw holes, lol.

Initially had some temp problems in the space, but once I got all the mylar up and hung some blankets behind on the side facing the basement, heat is starting to be retained and temp is around 70F, humidity a little below 40. Out of the 20+ seeds I attempted, those 12 were the first to sprout, but I left the rest awhile and now several of the remaining beans are also starting to crack, so I guess I need to get them planted sometime today...only wanted to do about 6, now I have 12-18 seeds wanting to go, though I figure less than half will survive, and I'll be lucky if half of those are fem. I'll germ as many as I can so I can prune down to a healthy, female crop, eventually.

I'll have to go a 12/12 cycle right from seed unfortunately, because I couldnt spring for a timer just yet, maybe in a week or so, and my schedule won't allow for me to be there 18/6. I know it won't give me much veg growth, but I've read journals on 12/12 grows from seed, and I know it can work, and maybe I can benefit from early flowering as far as figuring out my sexes. How bad would it be to switch to a 18/6 after several weeks, once I got the timer? Or should I just do 12/12 the whole way if I start them that way?


Active Member
When I was first starting I was planning on using CFL's which is fine. Then I started doing the math and realized the amount of money it would cost to buy enough CFL's for a decent grow, I could buy an HPS for less than all the CFL's and get better bud. But if you are set on the CFL's then by all means go for it, and don't let the haters here discourage you. Just my .02
Yeah, I'm set on the CFLs for this grow. Someday maybe, different house, different grow, I'll go larger scale, but by necessity I gotta keep this one slightly contained.

My only problem now is finishing hanging all these pain-in-the-ass mylar blankets, and getting them not to rip while maneuvering them into every which way.

Well, that and finishing my last 3 lights, to bring me to 9, which I've been stalling on. I don't find wiring all that difficult, never have, but I really don't enjoy doing it either. On top of that I got a little creative with the mounts for these three lights, and more than a little work for myself.

Aside from that, seems like the seeds are doing better work than I am...I have 16 with healthy shoots in the dirt, and made some adjustments to my table and light levels to keep the girls in the warmest, brightest spot in the room.

At this point, prolly won't do pics until I'm happier with how things look, kinda ugly now, and when I can get on a better computer than the p.o.s I'm using right now. Maybe once they break dirt, which I'm hoping some do within days, because I'm nervous I killed some planting, and that the dirt temp may have been too cold...
Ok, so running into my first hitch I think...

Now I know every newbie overwaters, and I want to avoid doing that, after reading about it so much, but I think my humidity is low enough that with the lights close in it's drying the soil right out. It's holding around 40%.

I've been only watering with a spray bottle for now, and only when the dirt is dry and crusty, but it's getting dry and crusty so fast that I'm worried for my delicate shoots in there....

Now I planted in a 12 square flat, each square maybe 4"wx2.5"deep or so, is this the problem? I had no solo cups, and didn't realize how important they may be....gonna remedy that today if that's the issue, I have another 20 or so seeds germing in case I killed the first set...which I really hope I haven't.

Also, need to bring the temp up in the room, I can't keep it above 70. Thinking of adding one incandescent bulb, just in the room somewhere, to throw off heat, since the CFL's are producing no heat whatsoever right now. Also, there's a heating duct overhead, thinking of punching a hole in it to let a small amount of heat to pass into the room, even when lights are off, anyone know if that'll work ok?