SM90 question


Well-Known Member
For those that use SM90, is it best to use it as a foliar spray when you see pests/mold or can you use it as a preventive regularly? I've read of some people just using it as a spray and some mixing into the water they use to water, but haven't figured out if people are using it when they don't have a problem.


Well-Known Member
You should use it regularly, and try to spray it "upward" on the underside of leaves so it absorbs best... as well as the tops of leaves. If you see a pest though, make sure you eradicate all the pests before they totally destroy your grow. GL bro...


Well-Known Member
I use it religiously, 15ml/100ml as a foliage spray every week, and add 3ml/gallon at res changes. It's good stuff...and smells great!



Well-Known Member
Thanks! Just answer I was looking for.
I don't think those were the answers you were looking for. The bottle only recommends using it a max 3 times on you plants at least 3 days apart. If using a foliar, spray right before lights out, and wash off with water a couple of days later before your next application. I would use this at the first signs of problems.


Well-Known Member
I don't think those were the answers you were looking for. The bottle only recommends using it a max 3 times on you plants at least 3 days apart. If using a foliar, spray right before lights out, and wash off with water a couple of days later before your next application. I would use this at the first signs of problems.
Ok thanks, so use judiciously then. I don't have problems now, but just have the SM90 ready in case I get one.


Well-Known Member
I been using it for yrs,5ml, per gal,in my feed water...i run coco,it keeps the fungus gnat population under control.