SM yld vs other big past ylds from same plant. Leaves color now off, what changed!


OLD Strain not yielding like past, Small yield Pro Grower Stumped
I am a vet grower of 10 yrs. I have been growing a strain of kush for a few years with great yields. I have changed nothing, yet the plants are not even yielding half of what they used to.
I did have some aphids at wk3 and treated them with Don't Bug Me, and it solved the issue. They dident seem to go in shock. They look great and the plant growth is of consistent size of past. Also there are less root masses. Now im in wk 5 of flowering, the buds are resonated, dense look well, just small, half the size. I have been chasing my ph daily, but i always have had to w my NFT system ( I use Fox Farms ). Im stumped. Any ideas, or ?

This is another part of this thread I moved it here due to no good responses

I do decontaminate between harvests thorough. I burn sulfur wkly, added starting last harvest H2O2 wkly cu I had rot rot last harvest due to warm res when i was out of town, and flush w Floraclean bi wkly. I also use the same nutes. All this I had great results in past, thats why im stumped, all is same except bud size. Plants r healthy, resonated, dense, lush. Im thinking ether the bug infestation at wk3 slowed root growth, so when flowering started a wk later they couldn't keep up w plants demands (like i said the look great)? I have used a cheep brita UV filter on tap fot yrs. ( i change frequently) I did move frm ON the beach to 3.3 miles inland, but the city h2O quality report frm city r the same. I had to add a dehumidifier due to heaver marine layer than on the ocean. But my adjustments to rm and res temp r good. Any of this info help? R there ny other questions I can answer that cld help u w theory? Thanks a bundle

Leaves now show off color, wk 6 of flower, not normal end of cycle color.

*How much H202 at 35% do most growers use and home frequent and quantity
*Can I add Superthrive?



Active Member
You have a lot more experience than me, but I can answer the H2O2 question.
If you use 35% h2o2 then it is 3 oz per 10 gallon for hydroponic stuff. That is .3oz or ~8.5mL per gallon.
Don't know about the super-thrive. genetic drift can happen if you have been using clones of clones of clones (I have heard of people using clones of clones for years, and other swear against it. could this be? if so, maybe seeds next round for you?

Hope I helped.


You have a lot more experience than me, but I can answer the H2O2 question.
If you use 35% h2o2 then it is 3 oz per 10 gallon for hydroponic stuff. That is .3oz or ~8.5mL per gallon.
Don't know about the super-thrive. genetic drift can happen if you have been using clones of clones of clones (I have heard of people using clones of clones for years, and other swear against it. could this be? if so, maybe seeds next round for you?
Already got 5 more clone strains and 3 seed strains. One i got personally frm a rain forest on an Island in Fiji, true sativa! (slow as shit and dosent trigger from light hour change, tropical auto.?
Still going another round w a few less of strain1/2 the yeild on same size plnts as past. Ill post pic soon 2 more wks, still pinching a lil here an there. If u hang a bud behind the AC wall style unit its dry to hit in a day, lil crisp, still strong as hell!!:joint::


Active Member
One other thought, if pumps aren't running lower or something, maybe the lights are going? maybe the bulbs or even the ballasts? if something like a 30$ light from Home Depot fixes it, then just damn, awesome...