Nice stuff there I told you to look for # 7 and # 7 is what you got . At the end of the day we all made a wise choice. I am not trying to start a forum war I. think you guys are the beez knezz and stuff but My first comment was the correct one. Yes it's true #22 #7 and #44 are great to find if we are growing the SC F1 PP X DD but we are not. we are growing the S1 SC#7 x SC #7 not the PP X DD that made the #7 #22 and #44. . When you cross two of the same phenos you are closing off the gene pool of the F1 to that pheno . It doesn't mean you will not see variation just means that you will start to see the plant leaning towards that pheno with much more frequency. All I was saying was if you chose #7 then you are either chasing that #7 or just can't get the F1. Most of my phenos were #7 dom as expected but I did get 2 random phenos, one exemplified the PP nova cut closely. I will say the two best packs of seeds I ever bought were Cookies N chem from Green Point and SC#7 from Inhouse.