slumdog millionaire star...for sale?


Well-Known Member
the father has denied trying to sell his daughter and the news papers say otherwise.
my question is how did this even become a subject? clearly this didn't come out of thin air like a smear campaign. what would be the point in that?

this is how 'the good parts' of the middle east behave?
the indians live with overwellming rats because they won't even as much as displace them, but they will sell their first born?
..and you all think america is all about violating principles?
this one single story should make you feel good about being an american.


Well-Known Member
Well, If you could give your child to a wealthy sheik where she will be out of the grinding poverty. You may think about it.


Well-Known Member
Well, If you could give your child to a wealthy sheik where she will be out of the grinding poverty. You may think about it.
somehow living in the sheiks palace didn't come to mind.
..more like living in a high priced bordello might be closer to reality.


Well-Known Member
Could be, could defenatly be. Slavery is still going on all over the world. However :

"The News of the World said Mr Qureshi had demanded £200,000 from its reporters, who were posing as a wealthy family from Dubai looking to adopt."

"The News of the World said that one of its staff had contacted Mr Qureshi and told him he was acting for a wealthy Arab sheikh who wanted to adopt Rubina and take her to live in Dubai."

I don't know I wouldn't give up my girl for money, but I'm not in grinding poverty. If I thought that the adopting people could give them a better life send her to some fancy school I may consider it. But not to some arab thats for sure.