slowwww growth


Active Member
what is ur water ppm before u add nutes ? Mine is close to 0 @ 8ppm . So if ur ppm's rise they are drinking just water which means WHAT ? That there is more mutes in the water than the plant can use ?? or not enough calmg for the plants to be able to uptake the nutes. ??
The ppm's use to rise consistently now they stay stable @ 210 ish. When I up the ppm's the plants show signs of burning. I have taken crops to harvest on no more than 250-300 ppm's and was quite happy with the results!! I grew a 3-4'' LSD plant and took 13oz off it, frick'n amazing!! most plants are anywhere from 3- 7 oz's . So in my opinion, As long as they ae growing then there is no need to over feed them unless ur trying to grow very large plants like 8'- 10' !! These plants were started from seed are very small because of the earlier problems I had setting up my new system and dialing it in. They were stunted badly and near death and took awhile to revitalize them selves ! probably because of the shear panic I was in at the begging of the troubles where ' PATIENTS IS A VIRTUE'. I moved one of the plants (re-vegged from last crop and also near death) to a different system (RDWC, same shit different pile) and it is huge and into its 3rd week of bloom with ppm,'s @ 220 ish.
Once the plant has a large and healthy root base then it is capable of eating more nutes but in the early stages of growth there is no need to feed them large amounts , I think it will do more harm than good. I like the " less is more" attitude !! Saves money and still gets great results!!
I appreciate all the feed back and will update again in a week or so now that things are back on track. Also this is an LED grow and what I have read is more calmg is needed because of the precise light spectrum coming from the LED's ! Does this make sense ??
When I upped the calmg is when I noticed the plants starting to come around ?? Might have just got lucky but luck beats skill on any day LOL !!!


Active Member
Lets see a pic of those roots in natural light.
the roots are whiter than white, they darkened when they were sick but they are doing great and spreading out !! Every 3-4 days i am going to up the ppm's by 30 ppm or so and as long as no problems arise I will stop once the growth is going good ! Had to prune them today so something is working lol !


Active Member
it has been appx. 2 weeks and the girls ARE ALIVE !! After giving them a 4-5 days to relax a bit I then topped up the res with 5 gal w/15 ml cal mg and 10ml B52. after adding the res was @ 170ish ppm. 3 days later I started upping the nutes appx 30-50 ppm's every 3 days until the nutrient content was appx @300 ish ppm. The roots are nice and white and really starting to grow and new growth up top has allowed me to continue with LST. The plants would probably be 12"- 15" if they were standing tall .
Patients was the key to the plants survival ! and the slow increase of the nute content. Cant over do it with slow increases. Right now the leaf tips are yellow( very small tip) and this tells me the plants are at their max uptake and anymore they would probably start to burn !! ? Does anyone else guage their plants this way?
All in all things are good . Happy Growing !!!

