slowwww growth


Active Member
growth stops or slows, good ph keep @ 5.9 -6.1, ro water @ 8ppm before nutes , rdwc, I keep diluting the nutes from 240ppm ish to now @ 110 ppm with advance GMB, B52, ca-mg and voodoo juice. roots started growing nice white but nothing else?? aauuuggghhh??
What causes stunted growth and drooping leaves, some necrosis but not much !??


Well-Known Member
growth stops or slows, good ph keep @ 5.9 -6.1, ro water @ 8ppm before nutes , rdwc, I keep diluting the nutes from 240ppm ish to now @ 110 ppm with advance GMB, B52, ca-mg and voodoo juice. roots started growing nice white but nothing else?? aauuuggghhh??
What causes stunted growth and drooping leaves, some necrosis but not much !??
110 ppm? And how old are these plants you didn’t post any pics of?

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
What's the age of the plant?...I feed my seedlings 110ppm strength nutes...likely that the plants just want some more nutes. Waiting for seedlings to explode with new growth is a frustrating stage in DWC, because seedlings will stand still for awhile, until the roots leave the netpot. I have found that having your water level raised up to the netpot does appear to slow down root and vegetative growth, you want to keep it just an inch or so underneath it so that the roots have to seek out water, and then it can be raised to the netpot... anyhow, sounds like your babies might want more nutrients unless they're still tiny little seedlings.


Active Member
Thanks for the quick response. seeds popped feb 15 . pots just touch the water with lots of roots but not growing long( maybe root bound)???my system is bottom fed with a top drain, no dead spots, water is always moving. Last 3 crops no problems. only thing I noticed was I never used more than 300-400 ppm or the plants would start burning. that's y the ppm is so low right now? first pic is choc haze next is bubble gum.

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Active Member
no pics from last crop but averaged 5-8 oz per 3-4 ft plant. water is always 68-72 (+ - ).water from tap is hard @ 350ppm + but RO brings it down to 8-10 ppm before nutes


Active Member
6" pots are FULL of roots but very little are protruding the pot ? My guess is the plants are root bound ? Removed plants from pots and loosened up the roots and replaced with new hydotron, also raised pots to slightly above the water line. Anyone else ever deal with root bound issues ? I will update my progress in 3-4 hrs once the plants have had a chance to be reborn so to speak lol !! fingers crossed !!


Well-Known Member
6" pots are FULL of roots but very little are protruding the pot ? My guess is the plants are root bound ? Removed plants from pots and loosened up the roots and replaced with new hydotron, also raised pots to slightly above the water line. Anyone else ever deal with root bound issues ? I will update my progress in 3-4 hrs once the plants have had a chance to be reborn so to speak lol !! fingers crossed !!
This is a DWC set up right? The roots can't be root bound.

I keep mother plants in my flood and drain veg room in little ass 6 inch pots for 6 months to over a year at a time. They fill up the pots with roots, and then use those roots to regrow fresh branches for me to clone.

Whats your room temp and RH like? Those can drastically impact plant growth. I'm honestly surprised no one mentioned that yet.

Did you defoliate these plants? How long ago? That will stunt growth if you go to hard.

It definitely looks like some deficiencies going on. They literally might just be hungry, your nutes seem pretty low.

Did you say the water is touching the bottom of the pot? Are they possibly staying to wet? Are those top drippers/sprayers also watering them? Overwatering will cause these issues. What are they actually planted in, just hydroton, or is there a chunk of peat of rockwool in the middle? Rockwool is notorious for holding tons of water and causing issues if it does. Perhaps the water touching the bottom of the pots is wicking upwards and saturating the root zone.


Active Member
RH 40% as soon as weather warms up it goes up to 50 ish. room appx 25c never hotter than 28c top feed was for the seedlings before roots started showing. Rooted in rockwool cubes then 6" pots with hydrotron. Been the same for 20 yrs first time I have had this prob.??? When I up the nutes past 200ppm the tips burn and the leaves droop. not a claw the whole leaf curls.The choc haze( sativa dom) leaves almost look wrinkled and dull. it the first pic I posted. Wonder wat that is ?? I recently flushed and started fresh but no real change. I am going to slowly up the nutes 30-40 ppm at a time for the next few days and see what happens ??
Thing is I have another DWC system going it has a continuous top feed and the roots are filling a coleman cooler res and having no problems 200ppm Same nutes so basically the same set up except for the recirc method of the water ?? I use cal mg but could it be Im not using enough. It does have an effect on the plants nutrient uptake ?? new leaves look ok though maybe a little skinny and a bit of necrosis on a few older leaves but nothing terrible. I will work with the nutes and play the waiting game !!
I appreciate everyones interest and help


Active Member
RH 40% as soon as weather warms up it goes up to 50 ish. room appx 25c never hotter than 28c top feed was for the seedlings before roots started showing. Rooted in rockwool cubes then 6" pots with hydrotron. Been the same for 20 yrs first time I have had this prob.??? When I up the nutes past 200ppm the tips burn and the leaves droop. not a claw the whole leaf curls.The choc haze( sativa dom) leaves almost look wrinkled and dull. it the first pic I posted. Wonder wat that is ?? I recently flushed and started fresh but no real change. I am going to slowly up the nutes 30-40 ppm at a time for the next few days and see what happens ??
Thing is I have another DWC system going it has a continuous top feed and the roots are filling a coleman cooler res and having no problems 200ppm Same nutes so basically the same set up except for the recirc method of the water ?? I use cal mg but could it be Im not using enough. It does have an effect on the plants nutrient uptake ?? new leaves look ok though maybe a little skinny and a bit of necrosis on a few older leaves but nothing terrible. I will work with the nutes and play the waiting game !!
I appreciate everyones interest and help
one other thing. the ppm s seem to always rise after a period of time passes 8-12 hrs or so ??


Well-Known Member
whats wrong with the temp 75f-80 f or us Canadians 25c - 28 c ?? rh 40% not to bad could be 50 ish ?? AND wat is VPD???
Here's a good read on VPD.

From the link above.
"If your growing environment runs on the warm side during summer, like many indoor growers, a RH of 75% should be maintained for temperatures between 79-84°F (26-29°C.)

The problem with running a high relative humidity when growing indoors it that fungal diseases can become an issue and carbon filters become less effective. It is commonly stated that above 60% RH the absorption efficiency drops and above 85% most carbon filters will stop working altogether. For this reason it is good practice to run your RH between 60-70% with the upper temperature limit depending on your crop's ideal VPD range, in the example it would be 64-79°F (18-26°C.)

The table also shows that if your temperature is above 72°F (22°C), 50% RH becomes critically low and should generally be avoided to minimize plant stress.
Please understand that by presenting this information we do not want you to go to your indoor gardens and run your growing environment to within strict VPD values. What's important to take from this is that VPD can help you provide a better indication of how much moisture the air wants to pull from your plants than RH can".

I hope this is of some help for you and your grows.
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Active Member
I read the VPD post and , seriously !! A little to technical for me !?? my water and air temps are well with in reason , RH is a little low but will rise shortly with warmer weather. So as long as temps and RH are with in reason then VPD is irrelevant because it happens naturally under these controls, does it not ??? Unless the temps and RH are WAY OFF I don't see VPD being a factor to worry about in a small grow ? It sounds smart to say it but I bet 99 0f 100 growers never heard of VPD before ? First for me
KISS method - keep it simple, stupid !!!


Active Member
it has been ten days and things are returning to normal ! yay ! this was my solution
first i drained appr. half of the water ( 12 - 15 gal 0r so ) when I topped up the water I actually lowered the ppm's but added more cal mg and some advanced GMB 1/4 strength but upped the M for added nitro.
water from my RO is 8ppm and after adding calmg 15ml/ 20ltr and GMB @ G 5ml, M 7ml, B 5ml/ 20ltrs - end result is ppm@ 160ish, 68'f , ph @ 5.92
After 5-6 days of recuperating from all the stress i caused them they started to come around
8 days and they are growing new leaves and are a lot greener( a little dark but that would be from the extra nitrog.)

This is my conclusion to my problem :
- when growth is slowed and young plants look ill , stop and flush your system including plants
- with ro water ( mine is 8ppm so very, very little macro or micro nutes- cal, mag, iron, sulpher etc. ) make sure enough calmag is added to the new water with 1/8- 1/4 nute strength. (cal mg is ur friend) lol needed for plant to uptake most other nutes !!
- mist occasionally with ph'd water w/ diluted calmg and little nute mix
- let the plants settle in to their new conditions !! DO NOT give them more nutes because u think they looked STARVED. What I found is new plants from seed will grow fine with lower ppm's. No need to feed them more until the plant is producing good growth and has a good root base, then feed the girls as much as they will take !! wohooo !!! over fed young plants take longer to recover than a mature plant does !!!
- clones will grow faster and take in more ppm's when they are young and small because of their cloned maturity I just put an 8 day old clone into the same system I was having problems with and after 3 days it is already begging to grow !! wow

I hope this info can help anyone else with similar problems ? Feel free to debate anything that might not look right or to add any wisdom you mite have !??
someone was trying to tell me it was important to have the pots just above the water line in DWC but i dont think so !?? As long as the whole pot is not submerged and at least half of the roots are not in the water but in an oxygen rich zone( good air stone in each bucket and proper water temp 68ish) , things will work out fine .

Happy Growing

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Well-Known Member
it has been ten days and things are returning to normal ! yay ! this was my solution
first i drained appr. half of the water ( 12 - 15 gal 0r so ) when I topped up the water I actually lowered the ppm's but added more cal mg and some advanced GMB 1/4 strength but upped the M for added nitro.
water from my RO is 8ppm and after adding calmg 15ml/ 20ltr and GMB @ G 5ml, M 7ml, B 5ml/ 20ltrs - end result is ppm@ 160ish, 68'f , ph @ 5.92
After 5-6 days of recuperating from all the stress i caused them they started to come around
8 days and they are growing new leaves and are a lot greener( a little dark but that would be from the extra nitrog.)

This is my conclusion to my problem :
- when growth is slowed and young plants look ill , stop and flush your system including plants
- with ro water ( mine is 8ppm so very, very little macro or micro nutes- cal, mag, iron, sulpher etc. ) make sure enough calmag is added to the new water with 1/8- 1/4 nute strength. (cal mg is ur friend) lol needed for plant to uptake most other nutes !!
- mist occasionally with ph'd water w/ diluted calmg and little nute mix
- let the plants settle in to their new conditions !! DO NOT give them more nutes because u think they looked STARVED. What I found is new plants from seed will grow fine with lower ppm's. No need to feed them more until the plant is producing good growth and has a good root base, then feed the girls as much as they will take !! wohooo !!! over fed young plants take longer to recover than a mature plant does !!!
- clones will grow faster and take in more ppm's when they are young and small because of their cloned maturity I just put an 8 day old clone into the same system I was having problems with and after 3 days it is already begging to grow !! wow

I hope this info can help anyone else with similar problems ? Feel free to debate anything that might not look right or to add any wisdom you mite have !??
someone was trying to tell me it was important to have the pots just above the water line in DWC but i dont think so !?? As long as the whole pot is not submerged and at least half of the roots are not in the water but in an oxygen rich zone( good air stone in each bucket and proper water temp 68ish) , things will work out fine .

Happy Growing

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DWC? This far in the plant should be huge. I start at 300. Start. 300-350. When the PPM rises they’re drinking water and not taking up nutes. Try jacking it up to 400 at this point.