Slowly Yellowing?


Active Member
okay hopefully this will help

it's in the 3rd week of flowering.

i've used - Fox Farm's Big Grow & Big Bloom Every 3 waterings.. 2 times already

yesterday just gave it water w/ some BIG BLOOM!..

the plant is potted in regular DIRT, lol from mother earth!

- i've been outside looking at this girl for months and last week it was much greener than this.. is it because it's flowering, it's maybe using lots of its nutrients from the sun leaves and others around it to help the buds grow?

-here is a full shot of it - you can see the yellowing slowly fading into the green.. is this normal by this week?

-here's a closer look

-there are somewhat at the bottom...

-these are the beautiful flower's it's growing.. look at them.. i know u dont want them to go to waste either... =x


Active Member
Same thing is happening to my three girls but only to the lower fan leaves. I also feed them Grow Big and Big Bloom. Their only in their second week of flowering though. Hope this is normal.


Active Member
it doesn't look like to much nutes but what about too much water in general. altough i am no expert and totally unfamiliar with those nutes! :mrgreen:


Active Member
have you tried just giving them some nitrogen or pee water or something? although i don't know if that's a good idea when they're flowering...


Well-Known Member
Mine looks exactly the same. Growing in plain garden variety soil. Watering lightly every other day. The temperature has been in the mid 90's for about a week. Flowers look good but lower shade leaves are yellowing. Some upper leaves have some tiny black dots on the top sides only. I think the dots must be insect dung. I wonder if pot flavored insect shit is stony? This is my first grow so I don't have anything to judge this yellowing on.


Well-Known Member
Its time to change to big bloom and tiger bloom.Also I find around the 3rd week of flowering they need some extra nitrogen


Well-Known Member
i have noticed the same thing on a few of my girls. The reast of the plants look really healthy so im not too worried


Active Member
okay well i really didnt want to take out any sun leafs that are blocking sun light so what i did is just bring the stems down a little now it has much better lighting.. almost like the LST project..... as u can see it's much better and more air flow w/ much more light on it

also you can see some of the leafs are even turning yellow.. should i add more N to the mix?.. or is this a normal process of a plant change around the 3rd week?

after the next watering i'm going to add... Fox Farm's - Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom & Grow Big.. like it says on the FOX FARM CHART... good idea?... i only add 1 gallon of water every 3 days?... should i put 2?... i know it sounds weird but look how well its been doing..since i started it from seed..

thank you for all your help and input.. very appreciated....



Active Member
Your plant looks fuckin' sweet, mthrfckrz. What strain is it?
My three bitches are bag seed (first-time grow) and I have
to do it guerilla-style, so their not in the ideal conditions.

Keep us updated on your grow and keep doing what ever
you're doing.


Active Member
Your plant looks fuckin' sweet, mthrfckrz. What strain is it?
My three bitches are bag seed (first-time grow) and I have
to do it guerilla-style, so their not in the ideal conditions.

Keep us updated on your grow and keep doing what ever
you're doing.

why, thank you

it's a trainwreck plant i suppose.. my homie gave me a seed and i planted it..

just been adding water and much TLC.. 2 weeks ago i started the FOX FARM CHART.. @ WEEK 5... so now i would be on WEEK 8 on the next watering!