Slow Yellowing from the bottom leaves


Hello guys and gals.

Ok...I've got 3 ladies in bloom going on 3 weeks as of Thursday, all the same white widow strain and all watered at on the same schedual. Using Iguana juice as directed. Ph is ok and got them all on 12h cycle. I only water them by the wieght of the pots about every 4 to 5 days. All were doing great until the second week. I noticed the bottom leaves on only one of the plants started to turn yellow. I watched it for days and and it's getting worse. I don't believe it's root rot. Why would it be turning yellow?? Same plants, same feeding, same pots, same lights, temp is perfect. Got ok ventalation, ph is fine.
Now the yellowing is not's very slow in turning. I have removed about 4 leaves since that time. They were about to fall off anyways.
Any advise??



Did I mention this is my first grow??
Thanks...I guess I panicked because the other 2 girls are all still yellowing except the one in the pics.


Well-Known Member
seriously...people...yellowing leaves in week 3 of flower is not normal...its called N deficiency.looks like a thread needs to be started on this subject so people will stop telling others that yellowing in week 3 of flower is normal.its simple...what does a mj plant do for the first 3-4 weeks of stretches...meaning all of its energy goes into growing..not flowering...what does a plant need when its growing fast....NITROGEN....keep feeding it a grow nute with a balanced npk ratio until after the flowering stretch ends...a happy plant is a plant that is green till the day you chop it down..not to mention with a bigger yield and better quality


Oh man...thanks for the advise.
I'm on the Nitrogen as we speak.
And I agree... a thread should be opened on this topic
I mean..I was wondering why thew other 2 are not yellowing...and one of my other girls is larger than the one on the pic I posted.

Stupid question hut...
Should I also add the Nitrogen to the other 2 girls??


Active Member
I have the same problem. My question is I was told to eliminate the grow after 2 weeks into flowering.


Well-Known Member
Oh man...thanks for the advise.
I'm on the Nitrogen as we speak.
And I agree... a thread should be opened on this topic
I mean..I was wondering why thew other 2 are not yellowing...and one of my other girls is larger than the one on the pic I posted.

Stupid question hut...
Should I also add the Nitrogen to the other 2 girls??
each plant will require different things at different times.if they are not showing any sign of a lack of N...then keep doing what your doing with them


Well-Known Member
I have the same problem. My question is I was told to eliminate the grow after 2 weeks into flowering.
theres no set time really...start giving it your bloom nutes after the flowering stretch ends.each strain and plant can vary as to how long it stretches...some plants might not stretch at all during the first few weeks of in if its rootbound,stunted growth do to stress,or a lot of autos dont go through the flowering stretch


Well-Known Member
People switch to bloom nutes too early and starve their plants of N early in flower. In addition, during the first couple of weeks of flowering there's a huge increase in demand for Ca and Mg.


Well-Known Member

yeah I think they are done stretching I'm in week 5 of flowering.
oh yeah..they are done stretching...after the stretch can start giving them their bloom nutes...and if you start getting yellowing leaves starting at the bottom then that means they are not getting enough N...add a little bit of grow nutes to your nute mix and that should fix the problem


Member girls are STRETCHING like crazy...the look like they've sprouted spider legs...but nice legs. Using 400W HPS 18 inches above them.

Just noticed my largest plant out of the 3 has started to develop yellow leaves also and one I posted the pics, is getting worse. *sigh*
I increased the nutes with more nitrogen...hopefully this will help right?


well...I did the Nitrogen feed...didn't really help did slow it down so I flushed out all 3 ladies and then continued the same feeding nutes but added Mag/Cal to the bloom food (Iguana). seems to be working.

Posting pics of my main lady of 5 weeks in. Can someone tell me if this is how she should look? White window strain I think. (keep in mind I have a crap camera ):cry:

As I mentioned...this is my first grow so throw in whatever coments to help me out...I've done reading but there is nothing better then direct info for something I missed. much crystals should I be seeing on my leaves and buds? I do see some but not as much as I've seen on other uploaded posts for the amount of time in bloom.