slow n weak plants with 90wL.E.D?


well, i dont remember how fast the first plants grew but they were atleast not at all as weak n fragile as these. 8/9 plants has fallen over and i now has put them up with a straw n hairneedle, but whats the problem? i have them under the 90w l.e.d lamp about 18-19hours a day (got a digital timer and just havent figured out how to set it up :S)
the lamp is about 30-40cms away from the top of the plants, theyre about two weeks by now and up til today i only gave them water with adjusted ph, dont really have avent system set up in there, just a house-fan thingy cus i thought a bit of wind might make them a little stronger, idunno if thats correct though.

any suggestions how to get them stronger?
its also 3 diffrent strains and the amnesia seems to be doing better than the jack la mota or strawberry blue..


Well-Known Member
The reason your plants are "streching" is bcs they arent getting enoth light, move the led light closer to 1-2 inches above the plants, wind does make them stronger but not when they are streched like that ull do more harm then good, just gather some soil around the stem so it keeps it up straight


The reason your plants are "streching" is bcs they arent getting enoth light, move the led light closer to 1-2 inches above the plants, wind does make them stronger but not when they are streched like that ull do more harm then good, just gather some soil around the stem so it keeps it up straight
thank you, its, the second set of seeds i ever planted, and the first set i used a HPS light and sunshine the first weeks, its really hard to get all the details when im trying to read up about it, but i put the lights further down now, but using led, for all thats not currently blooming, like if theyre seedlings, cutlings or these motherplants (im still not sure what that really is lol)
id need somekind of vent thing to get air out n all that for these aswell right? theyre just all very noisy and this tent is in our bedroom, so id just like to know whats nessesary and lowest volume possible.. and when theyll be in there in diffrent sizes, would it be better to have two lamps in there?


Well-Known Member
Hps and sunshine is way better then LED even for seedling, as for venting you can use 1 or 2 pc fans to get air in and out or something similar that doesnt make much noise.

marijuana plants go like this:
Seedling (when they are small and only have theyr first set of leafs) week 1
Vegetative (When the start developing theyr first set of true leafs) week 2-3 normally
Flowering (When you turn on 12/12) week 4 till finish

Mother plant is when you set a marijuana plant on a 6/18 or 4/20 grow cycle for a long period of time so it grows big ( at least 2 months) to later get cuttings of them to clone the plant.

any other questions?


Active Member
What you need and the ideal setting are 2 different things. They will grow without a fan. If you LST them a lot they will even develop strong stems. You shouldn't need much of a fan since you use LEDs but I would use some sort of fan - small ones aren't noisy really.


yeah ok, so if i understood correctly.. i would not really need to save these motherplants?
as it is right now i have 9 plants in bloom, somewhere early though, a week i guess. then these nine wich would be vegetative atm. I would like to not haveto all the time get new seeds n start all over, but i could just cut some off n start from there then?
sorry my english is not perfect and ive really been working on getting stoned this morning, and im just generally a confused woman.
but did i get it right?

and if so when do i wanna cut these? after theyve been in bloom or befor? or doesnt that really matter?


Well-Known Member
Hmm....i think you know veryyyy little about growing weed lol,

you want seeds and weed to smoke? ok thats possible but NOT recommended

Female plants: grow the weed you smoke, unless polinated by a male, they will not grow seeds in it
Male plants: are useless and have to br thrown away unless you want seeds

Take in account:

1.If you decide to leave the male with the female to polinate and get seeds, you will probably get about 50% less weed to smoke
2.The seed you get from you plant will probably be 75% males next time

Whatever you do as a newb you should not cut anything of any plant as you will probably kill them, clones are very delicate and need the right conditions to survive in, also its not a good idea to get clones of a BLOOMING plant


Hmm....i think you know veryyyy little about growing weed lol,

you want seeds and weed to smoke? ok thats possible but NOT recommended

Female plants: grow the weed you smoke, unless polinated by a male, they will not grow seeds in it
Male plants: are useless and have to br thrown away unless you want seeds

Take in account:

1.If you decide to leave the male with the female to polinate and get seeds, you will probably get about 50% less weed to smoke
2.The seed you get from you plant will probably be 75% males next time

Whatever you do as a newb you should not cut anything of any plant as you will probably kill them, clones are very delicate and need the right conditions to survive in, also its not a good idea to get clones of a BLOOMING plant

haha no man. i dont wanna smoke any seeds lol
ive allready checked and theres no males in the blooming ones... they should all be fine and are looking great
i just meant i cant be botherd having to buy a new seed for each plant, but that i somehow understood that id need to keep ONE plant per strain id like to grow and always take cuttlings from this one plant, wich i never thought made any sense, i got a bit confused in all the new terms n cycles i had to get into i guess :P
but youre right, i know very little about growing anything im very surprised my plants are still alive