It's your glove box. Need to make a laminar flow hood. You can order the HEPA filter offline, build a box around it and install a good inline fan onto. 4-500 bucks at the most. This will push clean air across your working space, way more efficient and effective than a glove box.0 light unless I open box to look, which is every other day.
76-80 degrees depending on time of day
I used a still air box no gloves bleach, boiled water and sprayer.
turned off all air in house sprayed counter top laid a towel out, sprayed towel then turned SAB upside down over towel and worked from there.
It's your glove box. Need to make a laminar flow hood. You can order the HEPA filter offline, build a box around it and install a good inline fan onto. 4-500 bucks at the most. This will push clean air across your working space, way more efficient and effective than a glove box.
Glove boxes are inferior. You're not giving yourself a fighting chance without the right equipment.Op doesnt NEED a flowhood, it would be nice they work great, but if op is just starting out trying to learn sterile technique and how to pressurecook then its probably too early to drop money on pro gear. Glove boxes work great, dont nocc emlol see what i did there.
Also. Did you start with a spore syringe? Maybe everything went to the bottom on your slow jars. Theres alot of possibilities.
Can you provide pictures please? And explain you innoculant and how much per jar
Just gonna have to agree to disagree on that.Maybe he should go invest in a walk in autoclave and build a controlled room and spend 20k Trying to Have a fucking hobby to findout in a few months That its not cool anymore... Then have to carry around a 500 dollar Flowhood for nothing.... Start small and keep it simple stupid