Slow Growth


Active Member
Hi guys, this is the update from the earlier pic. I followed your advice by adjusting the position of the rockwool to reduce the dampness. N

ow the rockwool doesn't seem to be damp and apparently new roots are starting to grow at the side of the rockwool as you can see? Is this a good indication that the seedling is growing again?
Cover the exposed root from light.


Active Member
My recommendation when using rockwool is to germ the seeds in a paper towel till seed pops then transplant into rockwool. And ph at 5.5

Daniel Jonathan

New Member
Previously, it has been suffering from wet feet as the rockwool was too much damp. now I just placed it on top of the hydroton, and they are not so wet now, and they have showed much improvement, but the roots are not coming out of the rockwool? the plant keeps growing big but the roots are just not coming out and gong into the hydroton. Im just top feeding it for now. What do I do now? And what is the problem that I'm facing? Pls guys, need help.



Active Member
I hate to break it to you but those seedlings are goners. If that’s how they look at week three, that’s how they’re going to look three months from now, if they’re even alive. They’re permanently stunted so you should just start over. It sucks but you live and you learn.
never give up on a seedling until it is dried up !! I just revived a blue berry seedling that was stunted for 3 weeks due to bad water(rdwc). It is now 6" tall and looking great !! Just needed so TLC . Stunted growth can be a calcium def.

Daniel Jonathan

New Member
Good afternoon. In the first week, I transplanted it into rockwool cube. But the rockwool was overwatered and it didn't grow much on the first week, and then I placed the rockwool on top of hydroton. The root has started to grow. Eventually I reduced the water and placed hydrotons around the rockwool. Technically, since the day I put the seed into the rockwool up until now has been 5weeks. It started showing growth on 5Sept after I reduced the water level. It is growing but it looks abit small and slow, for a week 5. This is Amnesia Haze strain. Is this normal? Do you guys have any advices? Please help. I'm using spider farmer sf-1000 with 60% intensity hanged at 18inches.

