Slow Growth...why?


So I am 4 weeks into my first grow and so far so good. I have 3 strains...Arm Skunk, Blockhead and Buddahs Sister. I started clones in 4" rockwool cubes and growth has been great for the most part except for one single plant of the buddas sister strain. Several of the same strain have doubled in size in less than a week (lovin it). Yet this one (named her Gertrude) just seems to not want to progress as much. She does have a couple new leaves coming in and I can see roots coming out the bottom (white and looking healthy so thats a good sign). I just transplanted into 9" netted baskets w/ loose rockwool today so I'm hoping that will help kick her in gear. No leaf discoloration, drooping, is good, keeping nutes at 700ppm for now increasing every week. One thing on this particular one is a green algae looking color forming on the top of the 4" cube. I've been hand watering up to this point so I dont think overwatering is an issue. Any thoughts, ideas, same thing happened to be stories would be most helpful. Again this is my first go at it...


RIU Bulldog
The green algae is a result of moistness and exposure to air and light. Your light is constantly hitting the top of the wet rockwool and growing algae. You can solve this by blocking the top of the rockwool from the light. Take a paper plate and cut a line to the center of it. At the center of the plate make a hole a bit wider than the diameter of the plant your gonna put it on. Then work the plate around the stem of the plant to cover the rockwool.
As for the slow groing plant, that's just a runt. Like a weak puppy in a litter, this plant will forever be smaller than the other plants no matter how healthy it is. Most growers cull these from their gardens to make room for a bigger plant, but most of us can't afford to throw out good genetic no matter how they look. As long as they're alive, I usually keep them.
Good luck.


Active Member
My dog is the runt of a 13 pup litter...real breaders would have killed him...hes 8yrs old dog i ever owned...Ive heard stories of the same nature come from growers with runts...grow it out, you may be pleasently suprised!!!


Well-Known Member
What type of light are you using? Sounds like it might be time to increase, if they aren't growing fast enough for ya. :)

benny blanco

Active Member
My dog is the runt of a 13 pup litter...real breaders would have killed him...hes 8yrs old dog i ever owned...Ive heard stories of the same nature come from growers with runts...grow it out, you may be pleasently suprised!!!
I never heard of breeders killing runts lol. Where they do that at?


Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm using a 1000wt MH lamp. Considering other plants of the same strain are growing rapidly right next to Gert, I dont think lighting is a problem. The fact that I named my runt shows she's a keeper :) I'll post some pics soon.


Well-Known Member
^Lol, sorry, I skimmed through, and didn't realize you were only talking about one plant out of the bunch. Doh!


Well-Known Member
any breeder that cared less about the dogs than money, would do that.

its just the same as in any animalfarming, a runt will eat the same amount of food and space, yet fetch little at the market.