Slow growth and yellowing in lower leaves


New Member
Hello, I'm trying to figure out what's happening with my plants, they are about 3 weeks old and still very small. Grown in pre buffered coco, I water them every 3 days when the soil is completely dry. I balance the ph at 5.8- 6.5. I recently checked the soil ph and it was at 6.8. I feed half dosage of nutrients (recipe for success) feed,water,water.
Also I've noticed that the tip of the upper new leaves are slightly red/brown.. please let me know what you think thanks.


Well-Known Member
ok guy just some tips:

Grown in pre buffered coco, I water them every 3 days when the soil is completely dry. I balance the ph at 5.8- 6.5. I recently checked the soil ph and it was at 6.8.
thats too high aim for 5.8 pH. also dont let rhe coco dry out - you can & need to water more often. later, when the plants become bigger, you need to water daily or even twice daily.

I feed half dosage of nutrients (recipe for success) feed,water,water.
get an EC Meter and settle for 1.0 for starters and gradually increase. extra CalMag or *hydro* brand


Well-Known Member
Coco is not soil. Never water with plain water in coco. Always use a nutrient solution. Small plants like that it's ok to use 1/4 -1/2 strength. Coco has no nutrients like soil does so when you water with plain water you're flushing everything out. Treat coco like hydro. 6.5 pH is too high. Keep it around 6.0. Don't worry about runoff pH. Worry about what goes in.

Good luck.


New Member
Coco is not soil. Never water with plain water in coco. Always use a nutrient solution. Small plants like that it's ok to use 1/4 -1/2 strength. Coco has no nutrients like soil does so when you water with plain water you're flushing everything out. Treat coco like hydro. 6.5 pH is too high. Keep it around 6.0. Don't worry about runoff pH. Worry about what goes in.

Good luck.
So you suggest I give a half dose or quarter dose nutrient solution every watering?


New Member
also hard to see in the pictures but the very tips of the new growth leaves are reddish/brown, I have my 2000w led light at 24" from the plants


Well-Known Member
Do you think the slow growth and yellowing of the more mature leaves is caused by nutrient deficiency?
Possibly. As I said, coco is a blank slate. It contains no nutrients other than what you provide. Also, 6.5 pH is too high and can impede nutrient uptake. Combine that with watering with plain water and you are basically growing a plant in a medium devoid of the nutrients the plant needs. 5.8 - 6.0 pH is the sweet spot. At least from my years of growing in coco is what I've found. But you definitely don't want to water with plain water as doing so flushes anything out. Coco is different than soil.

Read this. It will provide you with some good information. Good luck with your grow. bongsmilie



New Member
Possibly. As I said, coco is a blank slate. It contains no nutrients other than what you provide. Also, 6.5 pH is too high and can impede nutrient uptake. Combine that with watering with plain water and you are basically growing a plant in a medium devoid of the nutrients the plant needs. 5.8 - 6.0 pH is the sweet spot. At least from my years of growing in coco is what I've found. But you definitely don't want to water with plain water as doing so flushes anything out. Coco is different than soil.

Read this. It will provide you with some good information. Good luck with your grow. bongsmilie

Ok thanks!