Slow Growth-19th day/Need your suggestions..


Active Member
I am going on my 19th day since planting fem. DP Blueberry seeds in happy frog soil, 4 out of 5 seeds made it and have been growing very slow, below is a picture I just took. I made the mistake of starting them off with a 250w hps lamp 18/6 and about 1 week ago after learning of my light mistake I introduced my seedlings to a 17w florecent tube grow light and 2- 23w cfl and eased off the hps. Water ph is 5.5-6, humidity 45-55 & temps between 75-85*.

Now today is pay day and I will be heading out to buy my girls some treats. I need any suggestions as to how I can improve my growing conditions. I know I will have to get more lights so I will be going out to buy 2 floros light bulbs for my 4 ft shop light. I also have to get some nutes, I have been reading around and hear fox farm is good..? I will also need to transfer them into larger pots, any suggestions on the size at this time? This is my first grow and I need any help I can get to get them to grow bigger and healthier as they are growing at a slow pace. Any suggestions will help and am willing to try anything. Thanks!



Well-Known Member
First off raise the water ph to 6.8, second put your lights up to 24 hours. Third your leaves are a little yellow by the looks of it which is probably to do with the low ph.


Well-Known Member
I would say that they better perk up soon or they won't imo.I have found to gradually increase pot size rather than a big jump in size.I feel it effected one of my plants again imo.Hope this helps some for ya:hump: