Slow Growing?


Active Member
These are roughly 50 day into vegging under a 600w MH. The are the Medi Bud straing from

I am going to switch these into bigger pots, but these ones stretched from the beginning, but now are beefing up and holding their own, but my last 2 (ended up bein males) were about double the size in the same time. Any ideas or suggestions? I will try to get better pics for you guys. I am using foxfarm grow big for nutes and I have been using filtered water (not ro) that ive been letting sit for at least 48 hours. Same shit as the last ones. The only thing that is different is i havent been smoking my cigs in the room like i did with the last one, and i did blow my cig smoke on them, but not this batch.

Suggestions? Ideas?



Active Member
Im going to be buying a hps in the next few days also instead of continuing with the metal halide. The light is about 6 or 7 inches above these plants. I would think its plenty for just these 3. I will be adding a cfl inbetween them all soon as well. I only started giving them nutrients about one or two weeks ago. The metal halide is about 3 to 4 months old.


Well-Known Member
You don't need a new light, you probably just don't have this one close enough to the plants. (And make sure you are not running an old bulb that's already worn out)

I don't see nearly enough light in the pics and you're right, they're not big enough for their age. Something is holding them back. Could be ph of the soil, or they got burned with too much nutrients, but I suspect not enough light cause the lights not close enough.


Active Member
No perlite. I do have an air stone in with the water and nutes that i use. I only water with nutes every other watering


Well-Known Member
don't think the lights are the problem, cos the plant aint stretching.

maybe you should throw in some perlite when you repot, some of my plants start slow as well but they really pick up the pace after a while. Give them a lil bit more time, let nature take it's course.

Let us know how it's doin man. :)


Well-Known Member
stay away from the moisture control!
not good for noobs, and many times results in overwatering due to the excessive moisture always in the soil

they should be much bigger for 50 days