slow grow


Active Member
k im growing my weed right now ands its getting 5 hours a sun a day
and its growing really slow wat should i do to make it grow faster,it leaves are green but its growing way slower than anyone that claims there growing slow.
should i ate some fertilizer ?


How old are they? recent picture? how tall are they? is your container too small? did you recently transplant?

Your plant could be in shock, rootbound, or you could be impatient. supply the info and youll get a good response


Dont be worried yet. 5 hours of direct sunlight, but they are still getting indirect sunlight for the rest of the day? more than 12 hours? whats the temps running outside where you have them?


Well-Known Member
Are you growing outdoors? Where? Are you flowering? How big are your plants? What size of containers are you growing in? Using fertilizer? Full strength? Test ph levels?


Well-Known Member
what's your soil mix dude? make sure you get a good soil mix relatively high in nitrogen and mix in some perlite and vermiculite. My plants improved no end after experimenting with the soil mix.


Active Member
wow.. you give them 5 hours a light and wonder why they arent growing..... like ^^ said you need at least 10 hours of light a day for them to even grow, the longer the better. you can go all day in the light if you wanted. but its fine youll learn from experience