SlikWiLL13's Kinda-Ghetto-But-Damn-It-Works Grow


Well-Known Member
u jealous fuk smoknblunts. u and everyone else on this thread would luv such a beautiful harvest. i bet the reason u dont post pics is cuz ur shits pitiful compared 2 sliks! anyone who says that this thread doesn't help is fukn liar! iv been growing for years and stil found helpful info on this thread.

Awesome plants slik keep on growin and fuk haters like smoknblunt. i guarantee he wouldnt dare say “cocky chicago fuck” in public!
thank you sir.

dig the name.


Well-Known Member
lol and still waiting.. been good slick!! planing on startin a small 2-4 plant dwc setup soon!
if this guy keeps following me aroung im gonna start thinking he wants to blow me:shock:.

i think youll like the DWC. i told you ive been experimenting with one, so far i really like it. i always hear about how high maintenence they are but this single bucket isnt giving me ANY grief. its been flowering for 8 days now.



Well-Known Member
haha 28 grams...... nice name....what a joke
are you still here?!?

do you honestly think we do anything but laugh at your pointless posts?

still no pics....still no positive input on this site....still nothing but pointless banter.

daddy should have pulled out :lol:


Well-Known Member
i doubt youll make any friends there either though.

didnt come to make freinds... and lets be honest here... you came to my thread first a week ago[/quote]

you obviously didnt come to learn or teach about weed either, huh?
yeah, but i didnt go around heckling you for days. fucking get over it, small time.


Well-Known Member
Hey slick, just had to look and see what's up from that other thread...I read back to Jan....and though you have a stalker...your plants look nice!

How do you have 3000 posts since Oct.???? You are busy!



Well-Known Member
Hey slick, just had to look and see what's up from that other thread...I read back to Jan....and though you have a stalker...your plants look nice!

How do you have 3000 posts since Oct.???? You are busy!

thanks man! yeah, stalkers happen...its cool, i collect haters like baseball cards.

i dont really work during the winter so i guess i racked up the posts. im getting busy again so ill be on less.


Well-Known Member
been super lazy lately with the updates, getting really busy with work:hump:

some kinda big developments in the garden. that new NLxNYC Diesel cross i made seems to be a winner, its at 8wks flower and its got rock-hard golfball sized nugs all the way to the bottom that are rock hard and sooo sweet smelling. ive inadvertantly made a bunch of feminized NL seeds which is great seeing as i dont have anymore NL beans. it also looks like the same pollen got into the new NLxNYC Diesel so now im gonna have a few feminized backcrossed with the NL. and last but not least, a little bird brought me some hijack seeds and i have one just starting.


Well-Known Member
okay, before i throw out these couple little pics i just have to say one thing - BuddyJesus, no more complaining about my lack of updates till you start your new journal man. im tired of waiting, we both know you ran out of cronic awhile the deal??

my Hijack seedling in my bubble cloner, 1 wk old.

a couple shots of my new NLxNYC Diesel cross at 10 wks and going the distance. i let the N get away from me here and lost some fan leaves.

heres a clone of the above plant at 4 or 5 weeks, i dont remember. the original plant and this one stretched like mad, this one even with light Bushmaster. i have another at 2 wks now i BM'ed heavily and i think i got the stretch whooped.

and an overview of my flower room.


Well-Known Member
okay, before i throw out these couple little pics i just have to say one thing - BuddyJesus, no more complaining about my lack of updates till you start your new journal man. im tired of waiting, we both know you ran out of cronic awhile the deal??

lol for real man i've been slacking also=) I actually just started building the first dwc system! I'll post pics up tomorrow with a new journal. On another note those look real nice! But for sure tomorrow i'll have a new journal!

~Buddy J~