SlikWiLL13's Kinda-Ghetto-But-Damn-It-Works Grow


Well-Known Member
yeah, on the one hand i wanted to smoke some NYC Diesel and on the other hand i really want to cross some plants and make seeds too. i was just hoping to get a fem NYC D because out of my 10 Durban Poison seeds ill surely get a male and a female. then id have three different crosses totaling 6 varieties.


Well-Known Member
heres the first two NL clones i had root. ive topped each one 4 or five times and had them weighed down to spread them out. week 3

1st one top view

side view

this ones a monster

side still see a couple weights here.



Well-Known Member
sup g! damn lookin hella nice! that one in flower is gorgeous! Bushed out as hell! I think we might only have 1-2 weeks max on our shit.. looked at the trics today, and most of them were milky couple clear none amber yet. I'll have pics in a day or so. I'm going to start toppin some babies a bunch to see how bushy i can get a lady to get lol.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to start toppin some babies a bunch to see how bushy i can get a lady to get lol.
"love them ladies with them big wide asses. she got an ass so big if someone yelled 'COPS, its a raid. we gotta haul ass.' shed have to make four trips."

--quote from some old ass house music song


Well-Known Member
i harvested the top half of my old girl. you havent seen any pics of her lately because im embarassed of her bald spots. for 2 weeks now weve been smoking casualty buds of her. ive been slowly taking all the buds under the colas but above the smaller buds. the end result has left my plant with a empty area 4 inches beneath the colas and then the bud starts again a whole foot below the canopy. this made me decide to harvest the colas, cut back the empty stems, and lower the light for a week of two. i have now evened out my entire canopy as my older flower girl was 18" taller than my new one.


Well-Known Member
i started germing one of my Durban Poison seeds two nights ago with the paper towel method. id rather it was a girl but ill be okay with a male as im on a seed kick right now. but if i get a couple males in a row ill get nervous because i only have 5 seeds where i thought i had 10.


Well-Known Member
on a side note, i love growing....its truly theraputic. the most relaxing part of my day is when i put on the headphones and spend 30 min to an hour in my garden. i could do the daily maitinence in 5-10 min, but i just love to chill with my ladies. i treat them like i would any special woman in my life...i tell them how good they look, talk to them, spend time with them, smoke with them, take care of thier needs.


Well-Known Member
just a quick update... my DP seed germed in under 24 hrs, not bad for 5yr old stock! i got it into a RW cube and under my T-12's. my NYC D male is about to blow his load, ive had him segregated for several days now and i figure i can harvest pollen in a day or two.


Well-Known Member
so my NYC D male hasnt popped yet. my DP seedling came up and died all retarded like. so i took two NL clones today. i figure ill try another seed after ive got some herb stored up.


Well-Known Member
that sucks man :-| what u mean all retarded like
retarded-like: i germed with paper towels, put into the RW cube, it came up with two water leaves and two single serrated leaves then just folded over and died. it didnt stretch or dry out or get over watered, just retarded.

im not terriby dissapointed. the more i read about DP, its an outdoor strain. tall as fuck. i dont want to grow that shit at my spot.


Well-Known Member
okay, kalimist wanted clone shots. here they are, barely 24hrs old. hey kali, you dig my McDonalds dome?

ridin with the top back...
