Slightly Burnt Plant Tops (A Problem?)

prime mover

Active Member
Hey all!!

During my last session on cannabis vegging, I let the little ladies get a bit too tall before putting them into the flowering room. Now, they're pretty tall and they are not too far away from the hot glare of the 1000 watt HPS bulb of life.
My problem is now the top fan leaves are starting to get a bit burned and the leaves are yellowing and twisting. I'm sure the flowers will also get a but damaged from the heat. I can live with a few buds being damaged but I just want to make sure that the whole plant doesn't get affected. I put the 1000 watter on a light mover now so that the light isn't over any one plant for an extended period. Hopefully this will prevent further damage.

Anyway, I guess my question is, will a slightly burnt top affect the rest of the budding plant or will the side branches be okay?

Any advice or insight is greatly appreciated!

Keep growing,


Well-Known Member
I had the same thing happen to me, during flowering my plant grow 5 inches in a matter of 2 days...

if you don't let it happen again, your plant will recover. it's been a couple weeks and I can't tell which bud got burn now.

prime mover

Active Member
What do you suggest (anyone can jump in and answer here if they have advice)?
Should I just let the tops continue to grow and get slightly burnt and hope the rest of the branches are okay or should I trim the tops (including flowers/buds) and then hope for the best?

The rest of the areas of the plants are looking real nice and healthy, it's just the tops that are getting a little torched.
