Slightly brown leaf tips

I have a two week old sweet cheese auto she has been fine up until now but suddenly today on her first true leaves she has brown and brittle tips.

She is in my window and she is in a commercial graden centre soil but I'm unsure of the exact type ( I fear this is my problem).

There are alot of posts on here stating nuturient burn could be the problem.

I have only given her tap water which has been left at room temperature for 24hrs at least before watering absolutely no nutrients.

So my question is this really an issue of will she be fine?

Excuse my blurry photo it is the best I can do as it's so small.

I don't have a ph meter or anything like that.

Please help thanks in advance.



Active Member
Overwatering bud! Marijuana is just a 'weed' and it basically 'strives' without water. Only water when shes asking .

For example the stems holding the fan leaves will droop down because there is no water in there holding them up. After water just a little give it a few hours and watch the stems lift the fan leaves. Its crazy how fast the plant reacts to it.. Its like feeding your kid , just don't over do it .

Again only water when it needs too and you'll see the rest of the plant do fine .

hope this helped!
Thank you for the quick response, I was panicking.

I only water the plant at best every 3 days although I don't think my drainage is the best.

How often should I water my plant?


Active Member
If it's only 1 lower leaf don't panic. this happens a lot. There's at least 1 or 2 threads a day about this. Just chillax and if it's only 1 lower leaf leave it alone as long as it
doesnt spread.Water when it is dry I water like every 3 days also.
It has appeared on both of my true leaves but none of the other leaves.

It has got worst since this morning should I just not water for a while?
It is getting progressively worse despite the fact I have watered her.

The leaves are longer turning brown but are drying out and getting darker.

I will post a picture later today.


Well-Known Member
has it gotten its micro nutrients? give it a small 1/2 dose to see unless your worried about over fertilizing and make sure the PH is between 5.8-6.8 and u should be good.


Well-Known Member
your allways going to get alot of answers from people who think they know what they are talking about but dont....above that has been said from others is a good example of that.those burnt tips on the first true set of leaves "IS" nutrient burn...but considering the other sets of leaves are not burnt at the tips i would now worrie about it just yet.....unless those burnt tips start climbing then i would start to means u are feeding it to much =nutrient burn buy either liquid nutes or by watering the soil to much which if the soil does have fertilzer pellets or a monthly feed in the soil , watering /heat will realease the fertilzer...%100 newbies first mistake is watering to much with soil that has fertilzer inside..=to much water =to much fertilzer realease to fast=burnt foliage


Well-Known Member
sorry i have had a few drinks, your plant looks okay at the moment those burnt tips looks like nute burn.....i wouldnt worrie unless it pops up again on the TOP set of leaves, NUTRIENT BURN HAPPENS ON THE YOUNGEST GROWTH...aka the top of the plant :)


Active Member
a good indicator of when your plant needs to be watered is if your pot feels light, so feel how heavy it is after watering and just keep lifting it up when you do your checks every day and you should get a feel for it. this is what i do and it works ok for me. good luck.
My camera is playing up so can't upload a photo just now.

Is there is any chance this could be root rot?

Should I take her out of her put and add a few stones for drainage?

I dont't think it can be nute burn as it is only effecting the first two leaves all other leaves are perfectly healthy, also I have not feed her with anything but water.

If this does start effecting other parts of the plant what should I do?


Well-Known Member
I sometimes don't water my plants for more than a week if they're in a heavy mix.

Do you live in a hard water area? If you do then you may want to think about filtering your water.
No to hard water and I leave it for at least 24 hours to settle at room temperature.

Today she is getting worse the tips of two more of her leaves are beginning to go brown, this must be due to the soil.

The bottom leaves are pretty much dead.

Has anyone got a hard and fast solution to this before my plant dies?!


Most of the bottom leaves are now wilting!

I have repotted her in bio buzz light mix, vastly improved the drainage and gave her a good watering.

What you can't see in the picture is that the true leaves are basically dried out and this is now happening to the leaves above and one above them.

I need HELP, will she survive?

