slight yellowing on tips


Active Member
3 gallon buckets

FFoF with 20%perlite

ufo 90w led bloom boss

unknown strains

84 degrees 50% humid

my plants are in veg and i realize that ffof is hot.

I will be posting a pic when i get home but...

i have been noticing slight yellowing on the tips and edging of 1 of my plants. i just transplanted into a moist medium. i hope that it hasnt caused nute burn. i add no new nutes of my own. The leaves are about mid height with no lower leaves showing symptoms and no new leaves showing symptoms.


pictures to come, was just looking for what i could get to ease my mind while im at work.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Take a look at every thing you did for future reference,and next time it happens it will click.Keep in mind some strains will do a hiccup on what it uptakes.More info is needed but keep in mind the stresses like light intensity,transplanting,nutes bottles not shaken(some need more than others).I do not sweat over burnt tips,but keeping an eye on your girls,and staying calm is the best route.


It is more than likely just the FFOF it is pretty hot for newly transplanted clones.i have seen slight yellowing and curling as well as twisting on lower leaves with good new growth and no additional issues as the root system develops. Your room/space needs to get a 5 degree drop when you flip @ min for good yield and product. Just ride it out they will be fine and don't give any outside nutrients for 3 weeks


Active Member
Its about 1.5 ft tall. i just realized what it was. in my inexperience i received nute burn earlier on my leaves and because it was only one section of the whole fan leaf effect, i only pulled one point off. ie it was 5 point fan leaf. now its a 4 point and now the other 4 are starting to yellow on the edges. Should I....

let it die naturally and maybe itll heal itself.

or just pull the whole fan leaf and let the plant form a now leaf at the node.