Slight discoloration of Leaves and slight curls. Help please


cool thanks a lot you guys. So for the situation I'm in right now would it be easier for me to use the dolomite lime or the Ca/Mg i already have and just use it like you said alpha? And the problem isnt too big yet right?? (hopefully not)

o and btw i used the General Organics Box because Im new to all this and it seemed like the easiest nutes because i dont have to adjust ph or anything like that.


Well-Known Member
cool thanks a lot you guys. So for the situation I'm in right now would it be easier for me to use the dolomite lime or the Ca/Mg i already have and just use it like you said alpha?

o and btw i used the General Organics Box because Im new to all this and it seemed like the easiest nutes because i dont have to adjust ph or anything like that.
oh well if you've already got calmag than just use that...silly to go buy something extra :D