Slight bubbling on leaves and some yellow spots! Please help!


I have a plant 4 weeks into veg that, over the last few days, has started to show some signs of what I can only describe as, "bubbling," on the leaves. Not only that, but is also starting to show a bit of yellow on the tips of the leaves.

I've been feeding it liquid grow & base nutes once a week, and also some humboldt honey every 2 weeks. Other than that, just fresh water. Inside temperature is about 77 - 83 during lights on, and 69 - 75 during lights off. Well ventilated with a couple fans blowing around air in the room.

I have read a lot about flushing lately, but from what I read I don't need to start doing that just yet. This is my first grow, so if anyone could help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it.



Active Member
Happy frog soil has nutes in it, you shouldn't need any nutes till flower (depending on strain and veg time)
I would flush with clean water. the leaves look very dark green, usually a sign of too much N.
The wrinkles are probably caused by this.


New Member
looking at the leafs tells me you got heat issues depending where your thermometer is chances of canvas being 10 degrees hotter is my guess so know your in the 93 degree mark to hot my friend raise your lights and or get colder air movement going in there also by looking at how fat the leafs are there transpiring lots again heat issues and looking how the leafs are cupping up top tells me in the natural way leafs are trying to catch rain drops there thirsty hope this helps :hump:


Well-Known Member
using tap water that hasnt sat out for a little while can cuase irregular bubbling on the leaves. and cut down on nutrients, thats like 1 shade of green too dark. just a bit nitrogen heavy. that should also make those yellowing spots not appear anymore (if they are chem burn).

otherwise, they look great!!


Thanks for the replies guys. I'm pretty sure it is a nitrogen issue, too much that is. I know it's not heat, as I have a thermometer in the room next to the plants that never gets above 82 degrees. As for the water, I always let it sit out 24 hours to vent off the chlorine.

I considered doing a flush, but they are in soil in 7 gallon root pots and that would require me using roughly 20 gallons of water to flush them with. Should I invest in some containers to do this right now, or should I wait?


Active Member
I would just wait, the damage done is done, just keep a watch to make sure it does not spread, if it does spread more than you like I would flush with water amount equal to soil.