SLH Grow journal


Active Member
ok, This will be my 2nd time growing SLH. The 1st time I had two plants, and everyone LOVED it, that was only my 2nd grow, so I am expecting to have some DANK this time :)

I have germed 10 seeds and all 10 seeds popped and are now in the tent. They are all pretty much the same size except for 1, which is a runt, it took two days longer to pop from the seed.

I also have 5 of them in fabric pots to see if there is a big diff.



Active Member
can someone let me know if i should be worried. It seems that on most of my plants the leaves are drooping, and in some of the middle of the leaves, there appears to be a bluish tint. any help is appreciated.



Active Member
ok, i said i was only going to do one strain this time, but someone gave me a LarryOG. So this is the new addition to the SLH family. :)



Active Member
pictures from today. This is my 1st time doing LST, and it is amazing to see how fast the plants correct themselves and are straight up again.

Also saw 1st new growth from the LarryOG clone today.It appears like all is well so far :)

