Sleestack*Skunk#1 - Green-o Auto - Unknown dude.

You've done a tremendous job mate, should be real proud of yourself :) you're learning more and more each day, soon you will be a master of your own growing destiny lol. Hats off dude and hope you get to smoke up a storm real soon :-D
I live to witness that my friend :D. I am happy that i get to smoke some after 4 months and a dangerous first time..:D.Man if this thing is good you'll lose me..haha!! I'm eating some tasty tabasco right now and getting ready to go to work..Could you please tell me how do you dry-cure by the density and the RH or the room/bud ? I kinda need it solid to adapt with my situation ..
You know qroox a vigilant eye is your best tool for a proper dry and cure. If your room RH is around 50% your good man that's not too high. Right next to the buds it will read close to the 70 as there letting off moisture. The key is proper temps and a lite fan to constantly remove that extra moisture.. When you do get around to jarring them just remember to burp them regularly to let the last of the gasses out..
Youll be alright man just stay on top of them... And hey, I don't want no smoke report from your rapid cured microwave or radiator buds neither. I'm a snob bro so save that for the premiums.

I live to witness that my friend :D. I am happy that i get to smoke some after 4 months and a dangerous first time..:D.Man if this thing is good you'll lose me..haha!! I'm eating some tasty tabasco right now and getting ready to go to work..Could you please tell me how do you dry-cure by the density and the RH or the room/bud ? I kinda need it solid to adapt with my situation ..

You will mate, you will ;) i can only imagine how relieved you are to get through this forst grow too! Solid effort :)
Good work on the tabasco, im a massive fan of the hottest chillis man can buy...the trinidad scorpion :o love it hot!
Man i dont even measure rh when im drying/curing. I hang mine for about 5 days (or until the buds feel crispy but the stem doesnt break), i then do the final trim and dry on a rack for another few days and then bag (or jar) and burp for another 3-4 weeks.
Regs is right man, with rh of 50 that is good for drying/curing and i always have a small fan blowing air over the top, not directly onto the buds.
LOL Regs, im with you, primo smoke report only qroox ha ha ha.
You know qroox a vigilant eye is your best tool for a proper dry and cure. If your room RH is around 50% your good man that's not too high. Right next to the buds it will read close to the 70 as there letting off moisture. The key is proper temps and a lite fan to constantly remove that extra moisture.. When you do get around to jarring them just remember to burp them regularly to let the last of the gasses out..
Youll be alright man just stay on top of them... And hey, I don't want no smoke report from your rapid cured microwave or radiator buds neither. I'm a snob bro so save that for the premiums.

I will surely save the best smoke to make a report.I'll probably use a pipe..I think it's the way to get the full flavor..Man i'm a strict bitch when it comes to taste.I'll give you the most accurate report..:D.My throat is kinda sensitive and i'm not a smoker myself,so i think my taste is pretty good..:D I have a window open at all times.Will do some checks and see how it goes.My radiator smoke did not give me a single thing :/ .I've started many seperate threads and a thread dedicated to eMo :).I'll get some decent pics of everything tomorrow.I've clean the veg room and rearrange the space a little..;)
Good man, looking forward to it :)
I would've thought you'd get a hit out of the heater dried stuff....seems strange hey!
Yeah should of got at least a little head change I would think, then again I didn't see it or the microwave bud.. Thank goodness. Haha, I haven't don't that since elementary, and it was the oven I used.. Lmao :dunce: nope I sure didn't get high, but me and Kristy pretended to be.. ;-)

And hey, what's this talk of a thread dedicated to eMo? Where's the link man?
Yeah should of got at least a little head change I would think, then again I didn't see it or the microwave bud.. Thank goodness. Haha, I haven't don't that since elementary, and it was the oven I used.. Lmao :dunce: nope I sure didn't get high, but me and Kristy pretended to be.. ;-)

And hey, what's this talk of a thread dedicated to eMo? Where's the link man?

here it is Regs..!! DSC_0343.jpg such a good mother..she bought me raspberry mille feuille..YUMMU :D

Gotta get those nuggies together..brb in 5'!
DSC_0344.jpgsome green-O on the left and the rest of the grow..i'd say 35-40g total..Well it's not that bad :D..!! DSC_0345.jpg
OMG qroox what is that gooy goodness in that top pic? Raspberry whatever you said.. Lol, Wow it looks so good.!

Your buds came out nice too, not a bad pull for your first run. Good smoke and all your doing..
im gonna peak in on that other thread then off to make more goodies.
OMG qroox what is that gooy goodness in that top pic? Raspberry whatever you said.. Lol, Wow it looks so good.!

Your buds came out nice too, not a bad pull for your first run. Good smoke and all your doing..
im gonna peak in on that other thread then off to make more goodies.

You bet man..If you're into fruits in sweets..then that' what you want.Rasperry.Mille feuille is a must try mate.Haven't you ever had any :D? French know their shiet when it come to candy !

They came out well..!! The ones i had on the radiator got their smell back but they;re too wet yet.75% RH in the jar so i let it open for the night.Stay close brother!I'm gonna need the recipes of your goodies soon enough mate ;) :D
Mine still aren't dry either.. Just take your time man, it will be ready when it is... Lol, Maybe tomorrow maybe 2 days before I jar mine up..
Have you read any threads on curring and drying. Scratch that, reverse it.. Haha

and you know I may have had some of them little candies before, just not a huge cake size piece like that.
Man..Green-O is the shit........I'm fucking locked in my chair giggling for being so high.Thanks my lady.You gave me what i was looking for..And it will get better........
I think i've dried it good enough.RH inside the jars is near 60%.Still have to dry the big buds for a day or less.I think they might be ready today.60grams from the sleestack*skunk#1 which is PRETTY decent ( might lose 4-5 if they dry out more ) and EXACTLY 4.20 grams out of the Green-O.I think this thread should close and we should move on to the rest guyz..I'll post a final pic with my jars ;)
For sure Mo, that's a good amount. And real cool that she got you nice and toasty..

Qroox, I had to take mine out of the jars and back onto the rack.. I'm getting pissed cause they just don't want to dry for me.. Grrr..! They are so so close tho. Maybe tomorrow back in the jar.. I'm getting restless now cause all I been smoking on is cookies since October..
I'm happy but now just a little jealous that your smoking yours..! Haha
Top work man, got to be happy with that for a first go :)

Definitely went smooth for a first grow.I mean.. this plant went through some things as well..and yielded decently ;)

For sure Mo, that's a good amount. And real cool that she got you nice and toasty..

Qroox, I had to take mine out of the jars and back onto the rack.. I'm getting pissed cause they just don't want to dry for me.. Grrr..! They are so so close tho. Maybe tomorrow back in the jar.. I'm getting restless now cause all I been smoking on is cookies since October..
I'm happy but now just a little jealous that your smoking yours..! Haha
Man same..I placed em on the rack again.EVEN the small buds are wet on the inside..Man i'm pissed as well.:D And i felt so sorry smoking them lol.It's like eating raw meat when starving..It's so much better cooked..;) . And you have that shatter...!!! all i have i s crappy weed :D
Very good smoke guyz.I just can't get enough of it.I had a little too much yesterday ( i'm not a heavy smoker - for many reasons - ) and i almost threw up.Damn it couldn't get any creepier..hehe.Almost 50g which is DECENT for me.Thanks for being here.30g pic coming tomorrow..well i've sold/smoked the first grow is coming up !