Sleepy Joe's son in trouble ....

But your favorite president was Jefferson Davis, amirite?

At least he wasn't impeached*, just had his full citizenship revoked.
Naw, he wasn't my fav. But he had a pretty interesting life.
One thing that I've learned through the years is that no body is all bad. Nobody is all good. Bad people do good things - good people do bad things. We're all sinners.

He was educated at West Point, served as an Indian fighter in the Army. Wanted to marry and his commanding officer, Franklin Pierce (yes, future president) wouldn't give permission so he resigned. Became a good Democrat and served honorably as a Senator in the 40's. He spoke often about individual states rights.
As a senator, Jefferson Davis opposed the admission of California to the Union because it was his POV that Cali was stolen from Native Americans and Mexico and should be given back.
Settled down and raised cotton and kids till political tensions became hot.
He was adamantly against secession. He stated publicly that the south could not win a conflict with the north. He made a speech once in which he explained that the south was not going to be able to keep slavery as a system, but it was for economic not political reasons. He understood that slavery was not a system that could survive very long - many civilizations have tried it and it just doesn't work.

Wikki reports that "A powerful and influential statesman, Davis left behind a legacy that is similar in some ways to other U.S. presidents. His birthday is celebrated in several Southern states, and his presidential library opened in Mississippi in 1998. In 1978, his U.S. citizenship was posthumously restored.''

He wrote a book, "The Rise and Fall of the Confederacy" a couple of years before he died that explained his POV. It's interesting history - a history that is undeniable in our past, not something to be proud of ... but history none the less. We need to know more about these kinds of subjects so it can be prevented.
Naw, he wasn't my fav. But he had a pretty interesting life.
One thing that I've learned through the years is that no body is all bad. Nobody is all good. Bad people do good things - good people do bad things. We're all sinners.

He was educated at West Point, served as an Indian fighter in the Army. Wanted to marry and his commanding officer, Franklin Pierce (yes, future president) wouldn't give permission so he resigned. Became a good Democrat and served honorably as a Senator in the 40's. He spoke often about individual states rights.
As a senator, Jefferson Davis opposed the admission of California to the Union because it was his POV that Cali was stolen from Native Americans and Mexico and should be given back.
Settled down and raised cotton and kids till political tensions became hot.
He was adamantly against secession. He stated publicly that the south could not win a conflict with the north. He made a speech once in which he explained that the south was not going to be able to keep slavery as a system, but it was for economic not political reasons. He understood that slavery was not a system that could survive very long - many civilizations have tried it and it just doesn't work.

Wikki reports that "A powerful and influential statesman, Davis left behind a legacy that is similar in some ways to other U.S. presidents. His birthday is celebrated in several Southern states, and his presidential library opened in Mississippi in 1998. In 1978, his U.S. citizenship was posthumously restored.''

He wrote a book, "The Rise and Fall of the Confederacy" a couple of years before he died that explained his POV. It's interesting history - a history that is undeniable in our past, not something to be proud of ... but history none the less. We need to know more about these kinds of subjects so it can be prevented.

Gawd, you're fucked up.

Yo DO know that, right?

Can you list a few good things Lee Harvey Oswald did please?
Hitler wasn’t all bad
Ya know .. he really loved dogs.
He treated his dogs very well, he was kind to them.
Not so much his own citizens ... but, hey he liked dogs.

He also created the first high speed highway system.
He made medical care free to all citizens.
Spend a lot of money trying to treat cancer, discovered new drugs to treat VD.
He limited hunting of animals to fair seasons.

So, yer right.