sleeping on speed


Well-Known Member
listen man im sorry for what happened to your brother but i have never taken meth you dont need to tell me of its effects ive researched them already, im talking about amphetamine sulphate which may be amphetamine but its a different kind, no hallucinating or rotting teeth


man that is some bad shit.i had a go on it for 6 months luckily i had enough mental strength to kick it,but i have been trying to give up smoking cigarettes for the last 2 years and must say it is the hardest thing i have ever tried to give up maybe because it is so easy to get at the shops.


Active Member
ROFLMAO " i'm not a speed freak i only do it once in a while" ok dude you say that now but i guarentee you in a month or so you WILL be a speed freak, that stuffs the devil. nobody just does it once in a while or only on the tweekends


Well-Known Member
ROFLMAO " i'm not a speed freak i only do it once in a while" ok dude you say that now but i guarentee you in a month or so you WILL be a speed freak, that stuffs the devil. nobody just does it once in a while or only on the tweekends
ive been addicted to the stuff before cheers and i do just do it once in a while now


Well-Known Member
amphetaamine sulphate isnt much "beter" thn meth really if your gonna do that then do real meth and actually get the good part of the buzz but to helpo you sleep man make sure to keep some xanax bars handy its a wonder dru gfor coming dowon from other drugs

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
The last time I did speed was 20 years ago. Back then we called it "crank"... but it's all the same...

It was the drug of choice in my circle of friends and we used to snort it quite regularly. We got it in powder form (not rock) and it was always stepped on before we got it. Anyway... the last time I did it... I got some that had never been stepped on ...pure meth.... I snorted a couple of lines and thought I was going to die. I stayed awake for over 72 hours and the entire time my heart felt like it was going to bust through my chest. During that last day I was soooo tired (but unable to sleep) that I started hallucinating due to lack of sleep, food and water.

I was in tears... scared to death of a stupid clown doll I saw coming after me.... and I swore right there that if I lived through it... I'd never do meth or even coke again..... and I haven't to this day (20 years later). The mere thought of it makes me feel like I'm going to throw up.

Folks... stay away from the speed.... it's just BAD BAD NEWS!!!! :peace:



Well-Known Member
ROFLMAO " i'm not a speed freak i only do it once in a while" ok dude you say that now but i guarentee you in a month or so you WILL be a speed freak, that stuffs the devil. nobody just does it once in a while or only on the tweekends
thats ridiculous. speed is a great drug, i took that stuff for 3 days plus one time, about half an oz, and you know wat? i probably diddnt take it for 2 or 3 months, i dont take it all the time... i dont want to take it all the time.. i got some this weekend for the first time in about a year and a half. i do speed very occasionally because i like it, i also do coke, mdma, pills, ketamine on a regular basis and have done acid in the past. im am not an addict, it has not ruined my life or anyone around me, how would you like someone to preach to you that marijuana is a gateway drug and it will ruin your life? he asked a simple question, just answer it.

p.s. im not too sure how to help the sleep, sometimes i drink till im a little bit drunk, if that dont work your in for a bad night...


Well-Known Member
Okay we all know meth and speed are bad and i also think they are bad i smoked meth for 3 years i was able to go to school and work and live my everyday life but it is very very bad stuff now to answer the question when i needed to fall asleep i would drink a hot drink and take a hot bath by the time i got out i was already half asleep.