Sleeping on Nbomes?


I have some 25C lying around, and I would like to drop it. If I use a short duration ROA, it will last 4 hours, maybe a tiny bit more. Mu only concern is not sleeping enough, because I have to wake up at 7:00. When I drop L, I can go to sleep any time (I know, I'm weird), so I can dose at 10 and go to sleep around 2:00. I've heard that Nbomes are harder to pass out on, though.

I have kava, valerian, st john's wort and lemon balm on hand, if any of those would be enough to knock me out mid-trip.

Any advice would be appreciated.




Well-Known Member
Sleeping is hard cuz big Jimmie gon b hard too.. Least that's been my experience the handful of times I've dropped sour Cid.. Why sleep when you can have some that nerve ending sex?


Well-Known Member
I have like 12 different nbomes and I'm scared to take them cause its different from all the other stuff I've taken and the dose curve is so small


Well-Known Member
Oh, I'm sure. I don't have any layin' around though,
unfortunately that is the fastest acting benzodiazepine thus the answer to your question. you won't find any other sure-fire ways to get to sleep. i have a lot of experience with nbomes and it always took forever to fall asleep.


unfortunately that is the fastest acting benzodiazepine thus the answer to your question. you won't find any other sure-fire ways to get to sleep. i have a lot of experience with nbomes and it always took forever to fall asleep.
:( Alright. I'll wait till this weekend.