Sleep Paralysis, Vibrations, and Voices

Lol at this thread. I think it's normal for our minds to play tricks on us from time to time. Sleep paralysis sounds scary, I've never experienced it. Frequent audio and visual hallucinations could have a very serious underlying medical cause, I would see your doctor about those. Good luck, guys. Watch out for that boogeyman...

Lol at this thread. I think it's normal for our minds to play tricks on us from time to time. Sleep paralysis sounds scary, I've never experienced it. Frequent audio and visual hallucinations could have a very serious underlying medical cause, I would see your doctor about those. Good luck, guys. Watch out for that boogeyman...
Well I hope you never experience it. Mine aren't frequency, maybe like 5-9 times per year. I don't think it's any serious or to be worried about. Just wondering if people here have had similar experiences.
Stop sleeping on your back that's when sleep paralysis happens
Used to get it all the time just stopped out of the blue
Scary shit though
That's pretty much what I had to do, so long as I don't sleep on my back I'm fine... but sometimes I forget I can't sleep on my back and I'm given a nice reminder lol
Some interesting shit. If it ever happened to me I would be screaming demon too; I know what I’ve done.
Sounds like you've got some stories.
You should bump the confessions thread and repent and entertain us at the same time.
Yeah fuck that. If I saw something like that I would start re-thinking this whole atheism thing. Well not really an atheist, more of a theist. But pretty close.
remember EVERYTHING you need to trip out HARD is already IN your brain, all the chemicals, all the hormones, everything
being an atheist means we don't believe in a higher power, god, etc.
it doesn't mean that weird shit doesn't happen, there is much, much more to the world than religion and science.
this is something I like to remember
check this out.
we don't have a fuckin clue, we are all just evolved primates
simple as that
I awake to a paralyzed state several times a year. Most recently I was laying on the couch.
I could hear my wife calling my name and asking if I was ok? I was trying to get up and talk to
her but nothing.

When my mind reaches a crossroads of this magnitude it goes into calm mode.
Black everything out but the biggest problem at the time.

After a few calm moments I was able to get up and ask what my wife was calling me out for.
She said I was cussing and fighting in my sleep.

That seems to be a pattern. She sees the appearance of violence in my sleep pattern, calls me out, I'm trying to answer her and not being able to communicate with her at all.

Been that way for years. We went through a rough time when I was taking Paxil or Zoloft.
One of the side effects is night terrors. Too many evil dreams to discuss here.

George Noory is a talk show host for a radio network that does a lot of strange topics.
From sleep paralysis to shadow people from Big foot to space travel to mars and the aliens that live among us here on earth.
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So I was taking a nap and woke up, not being able to move a muscle. Then felt intense vibrations and heard evil laughter that sounded like it was a few feet from behind me. Not the first time this has happened. It's not often but not rare either. I've heard a creepy woman saying my name and hear voices directly in my ear at times. Pretty scary shit, freaks me out a bit. Usually get high and stay up watching random shit whenever it happens.

Decided to look this up and apparently its a pretty common thing. What are some of your experiences with this?
youtubed weapons that cause sickness

heres my findings
It's on YT so it must be true. Gullible moron, no wonder you suck at everything you do...
umm i was in the VA psychward for 2013 for a whole year and people can communicate telepathically and they could read minds. i had fear of getting beat up and getting raped by vietnam vets that killed but hey i think i like it but instead ill make you my bitch, fuck you in the ass and use your ass to smuggle coke, cellphones and bud and what not.
umm i was in the VA psychward for 2013 for a whole year and people can communicate telepathically and they could read minds.

No you weren't, and no they can't. Idiot...

i had fear of getting beat up and getting raped by vietnam vets that killed but hey i think i like it but instead ill make you my bitch, fuck you in the ass and use your ass to smuggle coke, cellphones and bud and what not.

Super weak. Is it just me, or are you getting even worse at everything? Amazing...