Slartibart's Mini Fridge Stealth Bubblicious and LSD grow

So I attempted to grow a couple months ago, but the seeds that I thought were "feminized" (I was not the one who got them) turned out to be males :( but anyway I was able to at least test out my box. I have since made some improvements to the system and I am getting ready to start at it once again.

I added a piece of glass below my lights to seperate the heat from the grow area, a second intake fan, and a humidifier, as the heat from the CFLs was drying out the air to around only 25% humidity.

I also decided to go organic this time and I am going to try out Jiffy Organic Soil instead of the pro-mix that I was using.

Here are some pics of me just testing the soil with some bagseeds, but hopefully in the next few days my real little girls will be popping!

Original Try:



Active Member
This is well planned. I think an ebb n flow table would put you over the top. Don't disappear on me; I want to watch this if I can.
I wish I could say that this was my initial design, but it is more well improvised then well planned. The humidifier was added from testing changes in temp and humidity by draping damp towels over the intake fans. Due to the specific heat of water, an increase in humidity increase the amount of heat needed to change the temperature of the air, thus reducing the temperatures of the "room" with everything else remaining equal. However, due to testing, I realized that after about 3-4 hours of only using towels the temperatures were back up close to 90F, which was driving me insane, so I purchased the humidifier. However the humidifier only raised the humidity from 25% to about 40% on its max setting. So after looking at numerous HPS/MH cool tubes and reflectors with lenses and cool paths, I decided to try sticking the plastic shelf right under the lights and see if my fans were powerful enough to handle the new temperature barrier and luckily for me it worked. So I thought really hard about this, what is more durable than plastic, allows for light to transfer through it, and relatively inexpensive.... lol

But I ya, I will keep posting!!!

As for the ebb and flow table, I have considered it many times, but I am not sure If I want to fit something else in an area of only 3 cubic feet. But me being me, that is probably just an excuse for now and I will end up trying it down the road. I just hate adding more and more variables than needed when learning a new process.


Active Member
The humidity will go up a lot when you stuff plants in there so you only have to deal with that for a few weeks anyway. Then when you get shade on the roots temps won't be an issue so much either.
Well temps and humidity aren't really an issue anymore. My max temp since I added the glass was 80F without the humidifier running (and that was after I purposely left the lights on for 24 hours to test the max temps) now they are typically between 70-75!!! And to think i played around with sooooooooo many fan configurations with little to no results, but I did end up upgrading my fans so that they are on variable voltage controllers to adjust the fan speeds and CFM.


We have life!!!

Sorry for the bad camera angle, I was just excited lol. 3 of the 4 have basically fully sprouted and the 4th one looks like it will break from its shell either today or tomorrow.

As for water I am using tap water that has been filter through a Brita filter and then left out for 24 hours so that all the chlorine can evaporate. I will start my nutes probably in a couple days, as I did not want to risk any potential nutrient burning of the babies. I realize that my flowering nutes aren't organic, but they are left over from the last attempt and my local shop recommended them, but I really want to go fully organic. Oh well, I got a couple weeks to make up my mind.


Better pics will be posted soon
Haha, If by crowding my thread you mean keeping it alive, then yes you are crowding it. I Appreciate the input man, I realize that it may seem like I know what I am doing, but this is only my second attempt and my first attempt didn't really give me much of anything. And plus, if it wasn't for you, I would just be talking to myself again, and I haven't even been smoking yet lol.

Plant Update: All 4 girls are alive and kicking!!! I will post pics in a couple days once they are more than just four leaf sprouts.
Here are some pics, I just started adding 1 tsp of nutes/gallon of water now, and then will start them on 2 tsps next week.

I have also been nursing back a friends extra white widow plant, she wasn't in the best of shape, but has been coming a long pretty nicely



Unfortunately the humidity allowed for mold to grow in the insulation between the plastic inner shell and outer frame :( thus the plants live on somewhere else now, but seem to have been experience a drought due to some neglect... anyway I was able to water them the other day, but i don't really like how they have gone pale on the lower leaves. oh well, I am a little more meticulous than my friend... I may try again soon, but as for now I have just been tending my vegetable garden
Anyway I decided to give it a go again. I currently have this girl under my tomato light that is in veg mode. Once I get my cab complete I will post all the info on it. Just not sure whether or not I want to use mylar again on the sides or to try reflectix.

Dear god muffy, I know i hadn't checked this place in a while, but yes stupid me forgot silicon... where were you to help me build the last fridge. Oh well I learned. Here are some pics of my progress. Started putting together the cabinet some, should have it basically done this weekend. I decided to Mylar it b/c I already had it lying around, no need to spend more money then I have too. I also decided to light proof the cabinet some with some inner trim that I am in the process of staining to match. Plus it will also hold down the Mylar around the edges.

Well I had some time to work on my cabinet and I added all the inner trim and put together my light fixture. The final product will have 3 fans (1 intake/2 exhaust for negative pressure) and the back will be Mylared, but just haven't had time yet.


Only got two small light leaks which isn't bad. Just needs some silicon/caulk on the inside and it will be set

Ran into a couple problems due to root constricting and over watering. However, the plant has come back quite nicely since then. Just switched to 12/12 about a week ago. Hopefully its a girl.