i know this grower i buy my weed off, he keeps creatin his "personalized" strains, he uses weird names so wen i go collect i ask wot "food"(weed) it is, coz u need to tell people wot strain it is coz i was gtin big bits,anyways, i ask what food it is and he had the worst name ever"the shit", so im goin wot food is it and hes shoutin "its the shit" for like 5 minutes, after 5mins i say "oh you mean uve created anovr strain and to name it, you chose "the shit", he starts goin "yh man, i thought thats wot it is", so i say "when my lines are hot and people are askin me wot weed ive got, ive got to tell them ive got shit, are you fuckin mad" so we sit down blaze like 5 blunts and then we agree on a good name like most recently "blu widow, cheesy style" (white widow x blueberry x blu cheese), it woz the shit and now i feel enlightened