Skunkybuds stealthy cfl grow.


Well-Known Member
So thanks to thedude0007 I was inspired to do my own stealth grow. At the moment I'm running 3x6000k 40w cfls and 1 2700k 40w. And a small clip fan for ventilation. I'm running a maine medical bud seed (the big one) and a random bagseed and a clone I got from my buddies outdoor crop definitely an indica mother I clipped it from. I clipped the clone like 2 1/2 weeks into flower which I thought I wouldn't be successful but it has rooted up nicely. I'm doing 12/12 from seed until I get my separate veg cab ready. At the moment my biggest one is 23 days since sprout its birthday was 8/23. I started the other one from seed about a week and a half later it would have been earlier but this seed took forever to germinate hopefully my patients pulls off with this one. Big ones named Brenda, the other is Pam and the clone is Bad Larry lol. If I had a better camera you'd be able to see how frosty the tiny lil nug is on my clone. Oh and I am also growing a picante pepper plant in my closet it just started flower it should be putting peppers out any time now. I'll probably be taking the pepper plant out it is already too big and I've heard from many people that they do well as a window plant. So I might be leaving that in the window for a few days after I tie down Brenda. I plan on adding 4 more cfls as soon as I get the funds. Questions comments anything feel free to leave em. I feel like I forgot to mention something else but idk I'm pretty stoned :eyesmoke:P1010259.jpgP1010280.jpgP1010279.jpgP1010272.jpgP1010271.jpgP1010270.jpgP1010268.jpgP1010267.jpgP1010266.jpgP1010264.jpgP1010263.jpgP1010262.jpgP1010261.jpgP1010281.jpg:bigjoint:


Active Member
Hey Skunkybud I think it looks great. Amazing little hidingspot that perfect for stealth under the window seat. Love it Love it Love it. Do you have a temp meter in there yet? Would be good to find out what the temps are like. Also do you have a plan for getting air into the chamber, maybe a small vent on the inside. Bro seriously you are doing a great job, just throwing some idea's at you, that you have probably thought of already :-) Good luck man. :-)


Well-Known Member
I'm actually planning to put a small exhaust pc fan along the bottom near the opposite side where I have my electrical wired through the wall. I figure if I at least have an exhaust pulling air out that will pull a little fresh air in (in theory). I don't have a temp and humidity meter yet. I'm unemployed and work random odd jobs doing construction and magazine vending so I have to wait a lil til I get some dough together. I do however have one of those old mercury outside thermometer (it has birds and flowers painted on it real pretty lol) and its sufficient my daytime temps get to 85 F without any real ventilation besides my fan blowing on them. I do when I'm home alone though prop a book or something in it to keep it open a few inches and exhausts most the hot air out the top. The stealth aspect is for more or less when my landlord (mother in law) comes to get rent money. I usually dress up the closet a lot better too with those pillows and some potted windowsill plants. When I have it all dressed up you can't see a speck of light and can't even hear the fan going. She was sitting right on top of them once and had no clue lol :bigjoint: Its a work in progress. thank you both for the kind words and the rep. I wish I had a better camera the pics of the clone I took are so frosty I just wish you could see what I see that little clone stinks my room up every morning when I check on them..... Also my friend got back from cali with my seeds so my next strains I'm gunna start after the few NL #5 seeds is Ed Rosenthals Super Bud, Golden Goat, OG Ghost Train Haze, and Lemon Sour Deisel. I'm gunna wait til I have my separate veg cab first though I wanna do these ladies all correctly. They are all regular seeds because I am looking for a nice male I can make some solid genes with I plan to save the pollen from one good male and cross it 4-5x with a female of my choice. I explained it in laymans terms but if I do that theoretically I should have my own stabilized strain..? Correct?


Well-Known Member
Also if the stick became too much of an issue I was gunna go to home depot and just buy a bathroom vent fan and just add some carbon filter to it and let it vent right between the joist in my wall. Of course smell isn't an issue even when my mother in law comes over she don't care if we are ripping bongs and what not she just doesn't want us growing for some reason. Eh. I already have a written recommendation from my pcp. but since NH sucks I won't even be able to grow my own anyway under the lame medical law so I'm kinda pissed off about that. Can't all be winners though I guess lol


Active Member
Your plan with the vent sounds perfect. You only need some venting so one pc fan should do it and as you said it will then draw in air from outside with the negative air pressure created. I think your area will be perfect. I would recommend having the outside temp meter in there. :-) Always good to double check that temps stay consistent. I think your stealth is super cool, So from what you are saying it sounds as if you run your lights in the day. If you run them at night you never have to worry about light leakage. :-) But then again maybe it will light up your room and not allow you to sleep. :-) Love the new avatar BTW, I understand why you chose it. :-) Man I am defo going to follow this grow. The fact that you are able to get clones from your friend is a big plus. This way you only need your flower cab. Awesome stuff.


Well-Known Member
I do run them during the day. I'm like an old man (22 yrs old) I wake up at 4:30-5 am every morning and go to bed every night around 7-8 (unless Hell on Wheels, or Breaking Bads on). I attribute this to my alcoholism and all the herb I'm smoking everyday lol. So I def have to have it be on during the day or I wouldn't be able to take care of them at all. I've also before setting the closet up sat in it and closed it during the brightest part of the day and very little to no light leaked in. I use that thin black sheet over it at night so I can turn on bedroom lights and what not and not be stressed out about my plants fagging out. they turn on at 7:12 am and off at 7:12pm. I actually borrowed the rooting hormone from my father who helped me clone my bois plants he had 2 sativas and 2 indicas all females out of his 5 plants he started this year (lucky bastard lol) so he spread some of his luck and wealth with me and my father we also made 4 clones for him aswell. Me and my friends and family are one big growing team pretty much lol. I'll get a pic of the mothers I got these from they should be getting harvested soon. Smoke report as well before I harvest my own :D. Thanks for the support brotha. I just tied Brenda down today I'll get a pic up in a lil bit my mother in law is here helping my fiancée with some shit so it'll be a lil bit.


Well-Known Member
Btw the avatar I googled pepe le pew and got that pic and just zoomed in and added my own red lil squares 1 at a time til it looked like he was holding a hash hit in lol. I tried to edit that into my last post but it didn't let me.


Well-Known Member
Allrighty so I went a little picture crazy trying to figure this camera out. Warm color effect on the newly renamed "Mini She" clone lol.P1010289.jpgwhy I desparatly need a better light stand lol fishing line and tacs with a closet beam with a notch carved in it so the line will hold lol.P1010306.jpgI finally managed to get a nice pic of mini shes trichomes after dicking with my camera for like an hour.P1010307.jpgTried to take a few dynamic inside the closet shotsP1010309.jpgCant wait for this bitch to bloom :hump:P1010308.jpgBrenda is taking the LST very well.P1010310.jpgP1010311.jpgP1010312.jpgP1010313.jpgP1010304.jpgP1010303.jpgP1010282.jpgP1010283.jpgP1010290.jpgP1010293.jpgP1010295.jpgAs you may have noticed Pam got some HST (highly stressful training) Tied that bitch pretty much all the way down that's right she likes it rough. Not really I kinda for got I taped the fishing line down on the bottom cup that catches the run off and I went to check and ph the run off and it yanked down and ripped the line off her it slightly ripped two leaves a little bit but shes fine just hope I didn't stress her out too much. It coulda been worse coulda completely up rooted her. lolP1010298.jpgP1010299.jpgP1010301.jpgP1010314.jpgand that's a pic of my closet propped open for a few hours of the day for a lil air flow that is my belt box holding it open. Btw 1st frost happened last night around here me and my buddy will be harvesting this cho-mos plant that doesn't deserve it. Its a long story if any of you really wants to know why someone deserves to get jacked you can PM me and I will tell you its for very personal reasons hes a bad person and I don't want anything good happening to this individual instead I will steal his crop and give it away to my family. I'll post pics of that harvest.


Active Member
Brenda is looking good for sure! Almost on the 4th week for her right? Are you feeding her?


Well-Known Member
Of course brotha. Since week 2 I've been feeding her some 5-1-1 every other day at 1/2 strength.(alaskan fish fertilizer) And since last week I've been putting the 8-5-5 in the soil. Its kinda weird I gutta puncture the soil with a pen and pour some of the bone meal stuff in the tomatoe container cover it up and water it. I've gave it the 8-5-5 twice now first at a 1/2 dose she blew up the 2nd time I did it at full strength. I guess it supposed to cause the roots to grow into the fertilizer. I'm not using this stuff no more expect for a soil additive. I'm planning on in the next week going to the hydro store literally a 1 min walk away from my house and I'm looking to get some dyna grow bloom boost. I know I need a nute soon that has less N and more P an K. At least my ladies starting to show some sativa dominance I feel like she should be showing sex in a week or two. So I need some bloom nutes around then so at least I got some time man. btw off topic abit. I'm one of those people that discovered the word yolo real late. I prefer death metal if that makes any sense, it should. Anyway I thought of something today that proves that anyone that says fuck yolo after I say it because the word literally entertains me a lot so. Skunkybuds quote "Yolo - because reincarnation is less likely to happen." EDIT: Btw its almost 4 weeks it sprouted the 23rd of last month so this Friday it'll be a month by then it better show some preflowers at least.


Well-Known Member
Gah! I hate waking up before my ladies. Now I gutta wait a 1/2 hour to see how they're doing lol. EDIT: They are awake and I believe brendas got the 1st sign of a preflower I can see 2 lil white hairs trying to curl out of the top. :D :D :D ... Brenda... I remember when you were just a little seed I pulled out of some 35 a 1/8th maine medical stuff. They grow up so fast :weed: . I'll give them a few hours to stretch and wake up then I'll try and get a pic of the preflower.


Active Member
Hey Skunky, listen cool pics man, I did however notice something really serious with your setup. Now take it from a friend, I am not dissing you but this is a possible danger point in your set-up. Do you think the way you have your lights hanging is secure? I have no issue with the idea, but I am worried about the fishing line holding the bar. A cheap and very strong solution is to use zip ties or they are also sometimes called cable ties. You know the stuff the feds use when they arrest people. lol those plastic ties. That shit is strong and cheap, maybe put a screw in hook on the pole and one on the inside of the cab, so two on the stick and one each side in the cab, the tie it with the zip ties through that. The thing is if you lights drop your plants are screwed. Sorry I blurted a whole lot there, but I am just worried about your lights falling on your plants bro. I understand the bugget issues but if they drop you lose it all and you wont want to grow again. Peace....


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your concern bro I do like the screw hook idea. And yeah its not that safe I know but that fishing line holds like 100lbs but when I get more lights on that I'm gunna prolly go with this pvc light rig I saw someone do. It'll be a nice stable stand made out of 3/4 inch pvc some strategically placed elbows and tees and four caps for the legs. I can even make it so it can be adjusted for size I just need different sized legs it'll all be interchangeable. I just need to get some dough together bro. Also I got a few pics of the lady I got my clone from. All four of my bois big ladies looking beautiful. I'll be putting them up in a lil after I go do some job searching. Oh and apparently I made 4 clones for my boi and every single one died because the shelf they were on collapsed and they all got crushed. Also my boi is excited about all the help I've been giving with his plants and he offered me a cut of his harvest and I'm very excited about that. But I'm mostly earning it because hes got a lot of trimming to do and he hates trimming. lol Anyway Im gunna try to work on getting my lights safer I've been worried about them since I set them up man I check them every couple hours cuz I'm sketched out by them.


Active Member
Thanks for your concern bro I do like the screw hook idea. And yeah its not that safe I know but that fishing line holds like 100lbs but when I get more lights on that I'm gunna prolly go with this pvc light rig I saw someone do. It'll be a nice stable stand made out of 3/4 inch pvc some strategically placed elbows and tees and four caps for the legs. I can even make it so it can be adjusted for size I just need different sized legs it'll all be interchangeable. I just need to get some dough together bro. Also I got a few pics of the lady I got my clone from. All four of my bois big ladies looking beautiful. I'll be putting them up in a lil after I go do some job searching. Oh and apparently I made 4 clones for my boi and every single one died because the shelf they were on collapsed and they all got crushed. Also my boi is excited about all the help I've been giving with his plants and he offered me a cut of his harvest and I'm very excited about that. But I'm mostly earning it because hes got a lot of trimming to do and he hates trimming. lol Anyway Im gunna try to work on getting my lights safer I've been worried about them since I set them up man I check them every couple hours cuz I'm sketched out by them.
hahaha sounds cool that you are helping your boi out. Man I know fishing line is strong stuff but I am probably more worried about slippage on the line or weakening from heat or maybe nutes etc. you just don't know. In the end your whole harvest is resting on fishing line at the moment :-) Your are right to be freaked out about it, but don't worry about redoing it all, just ad anything to make it safer. Even a extra piece of rope or more fishing line, anything to make it stronger until you have it as you want it with your other plans.


Well-Known Member
1st off I'm gunna say this is hands down some of the best stuff I've seen growing personally (seen better on here) and it would probably be the some crazy shit if he listened to me and didn't put 2 in each giant pot. Oddly enough they are paired up oddly each pot has 1 indica and 1 sativa total of 4 plants I took these plants last night just as the sun was setting. I got my clone off one of the indicas. I'm gunna be getting a cut of the sativa and the indica I will be giving a smoke report as soon as its dried and cured up we're gunna let these grow as long as our growing season permits. We had a frost in all the surrounding areas, we were fortunate enough to be in a pocket of new England to be spared from the frost. :). The indica should be done in a week or so and the sativa 3-4 weeks left.P1010377.jpgP1010376.jpgP1010375.jpg


Well-Known Member
Pics of my ladies will be to come soon when I get around to it. Very medicated at the moment :eyesmoke: Love you guys pce