Skunkwreck's next misadventure

not sure what you're talking about, i just read an article that says you can smoke in your home, grow 6 inside plants.
dispensaries can't do business till they get a license. they're working on licenses for large scale growers.
what are you talking about? and thats not a "what the fuck are you talking about, dicknose?" thats a legitimate i don't know what you're refering to
not sure what you're talking about, i just read an article that says you can smoke in your home, grow 6 inside plants.
dispensaries can't do business till they get a license. they're working on licenses for large scale growers.
what are you talking about? and thats not a "what the fuck are you talking about, dicknose?" thats a legitimate i don't know what you're refering to
My heads no on straight yet but for the average Joe blow pothead down the street it's fine I guess but it's the medical aspect , lower plant counts , lower amounts as in grams per day , what carried a $100 fine before now under prop 64 carries 3 yrs incarceration, doctors are no longer protected from prosecution for recommending medical cannabis (which now it will be harder to get a script) plus legislators can now change the laws at will meaning the voters don't get to vote on the changes if any are made. There's more but its too early and I haven't smoke yet lol
probably all valid points but i haven't been following it that closely so i don't know the details.
this article is all the info i have actually.
looks way more liberal than our situation. i just got a 380 dollar possession ticket in the park for having a used bowl and a bud the size of the end of my pinky. they can grow 6 plants at a time and posses an ounce. i'm sure a lot of people will stay with the medical programs (for insurance if nothing else) but sounds like you don't need a scrip anymore in general
some of that doesn't make a lot of sense to begin with though. you can posses an ounce, and grow 6 plants....must be fucking puny plants if they expect it to take 6 of them to maintain an oz stash...
Yeah it's all jacked up and the rest of the country has been waiting to see what Cali did so they can follow suit . The days of the mom an pops dispensaries/ grows will soon be a thing of the past . I think a dispensary license is now $40,000
Wow bro, pretty damn frosty!! She looks like she could've gone another 2 weeks too lol
Probably could have bro but i pulled it at 72.....101.4 grams so I'm not complaining lmao and it's straight fire , would be a good smoke for depression and appetite stimulation. I prefer something more pain relief orientated but the Wookie adds nitrous. I think a cross of the CDC #1 and the SW would be cool :blsmoke:
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Probably could have bro but i pulled it at 72.....101.4 grams so I'm not complaining lmao and it's straight fire , would be a good smoke for depression and appetite stimulation. I prefer something more pain relief orientated but the Wookie adds nitrous. I think a cross of the CDC #1 and the SW would be cool :blsmoke:

I hear ya bro, I did the same and damn the smoke is good! Gives me hardcore munchies lol.