Skunk No1 Feminised 5 weeks into flower


Active Member
Hello Folks
Been a long time since my last post (Like nearly a year or so) So thought I’d better keep ya’s all updated like I’m still living and token (I got localised neuropathy and mild epilepsy, all the doc’s pills and potions me sick as fuk and the green works well to help my condition, like you all know this anyways)

So heres my current grow (I think its my 4th or 5th attempt) and things seem to be going ok heres the stats;

5 feminised Skunk No1 (all confirmed babes now)
Vegged under 300 wat enviro Cool blue
Flowering under 400 watt digital hps
In basement with white Mylar reflective
2 clip fans to keep air moving and plants cool
Temps being maintained at 75 to 85F on these hot days

Now on 12on12off and 5 weeks into flower
Nutes – Big Bud by Advanced Nutrients

(Comments of this please, anyone use BIG BUD before??) Nothing else being used at the mo but thinking about molasses final 2 weeks. I am having my reservations about flushing too. I am not interested in taste just the fucking cure of my ills and I’m happy enough

4 plants in 2-gallon buckets one runt in 2-½ litre pot in middle. Watering about once a week with double the recommended dose by Advance Nutrients Big Bud (10ml to the litre instead of 5ml) seems the babies are able to suck up whatever I can throw at them. The runt in the middle is showing signs of nuteburn but is flowering ok anyways, probably has lots to do with little tiny 2 litre pot its in (I nearly binned this baby during veg as didn’t think it would make it, sturdy little fukers they areJ). Plants tips seem to be clawing up and down at times but I’m putting this down to the humidity.

Seeing as I’m a simple bloke I tend to keep things simple. So none of this fucking fannying around with ph meters or ph up and down nonsense, I just cant be arsed with that bollocks. I leave my tap water to stand outside for a few days or so and the plants seem to like it. Having to water about once every 4 days now due to

Will keep you posted as the flowering gets into last stages. I’m looking for enough medicine to last about a year or so. I only use in tiny amounts so no worries there.

Your comments as always welcome. Keep me right folks. This could be the best harvest after 4 or 5 pretty shitty attempts.

Heres the photos as promised, will have more soon.

Comments and criticisms (constructive of course) most welcome
Peace and love as always people




Active Member
any updates :D must be close to harvest now.
Yea m8
I thought no one was interested but anyways here a few snap shots, I'm not one to brag and since last cuple of grows were shite, I never really kept up the Journal. But the results were extremely impressive to say the least.

Have to say this has been my best harvest from about 4 grows and yes I h8 to admit it but the digital 400hps did the trick for flowering I used the enviro on lower branches which seemed to work a little.

The buds when harvested are fat extremely heavy and are saturated in tricomes. Its still very very sticky even now that it has been fully cured, almost like bubblegum and honey.

The high the excellent, almost instantaneous pain relief that lasts for about 1 1/2 hours depending on amount used in small spliff. (I'm mixing with tobbaco as its just a bit too damn strong to roll by itself, nojoke :weed:

Harvested and now cured in 3 x liter storage jars and one half liter jam jar, haven't weighed it but I know from hand that its a lot, about a year or more supply of med.

Also worth mentioning, according to what they are charging for a gram (bout 12 euro) theres probably a grand or 2 in market value, notthat I'm worried about any of that now.

Seriusly though, these fem skunk1 seeds are the dogs bollocks.

Thats it, not bad for 2 clip fans and a 400hps, thanks for the "views and "1! reply lol no worries.

Peace people


Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Yea m8
I thought no one was interested but anyways here a few snap shots, I'm not one to brag and since last cuple of grows were shite, I never really kept up the Journal. But the results were extremely impressive to say the least.

Have to say this has been my best harvest from about 4 grows and yes I h8 to admit it but the digital 400hps did the trick for flowering I used the enviro on lower branches which seemed to work a little.

The buds when harvested are fat extremely heavy and are saturated in tricomes. Its still very very sticky even now that it has been fully cured, almost like bubblegum and honey.

The high the excellent, almost instantaneous pain relief that lasts for about 1 1/2 hours depending on amount used in small spliff. (I'm mixing with tobbaco as its just a bit too damn strong to roll by itself, nojoke :weed:

Harvested and now cured in 3 x liter storage jars and one half liter jam jar, haven't weighed it but I know from hand that its a lot, about a year or more supply of med.

Also worth mentioning, according to what they are charging for a gram (bout 12 euro) theres probably a grand or 2 in market value, notthat I'm worried about any of that now.

Seriusly though, these fem skunk1 seeds are the dogs bollocks.

Thats it, not bad for 2 clip fans and a 400hps, thanks for the "views and "1! reply lol no worries.

Peace people
Thanks for sharing that Dude. Looks dank

GHS Skunk #1 description: "The strain that changed the face of cannabis culture across the world continues to amaze weed-lovers more than a quarter-century after her release! The original Skunk hybrids fused traditional cultivators from Central and South America, Afghanistan and Thailand. Through generations of intensive selection and back-crossing, the very best examples of Skunk were stabilised into the first true-breeding Indica-Sativa hybrid - the classic Indica-dominant Skunk #1.

The potency of this branch of the cannabis family tree is so notorious that ‘skunk’ is often used as a name for any powerful ganja."


Well-Known Member
damn homie..those nugs look delicious...i neva thought Skunk #1 would look so great..i mean im sure it did..but not like that :) good job...u make me want to grow this strain now


Active Member
damn homie..those nugs look delicious...i neva thought Skunk #1 would look so great..i mean im sure it did..but not like that :) good job...u make me want to grow this strain now

Thanks guys for the kind comments. Yea I still find it hard to believe that the five babies yielded so much, even the runt in the middle.

They also soaked up about as much nutes as I could throw at them I think I was about 3 times over the recommended dosage bout 15ml per liter of BIG BUD by advanced nutes. (the buds are actually quite enormous and kick shit out of any shit I have had to buy in the past)

Think I over did it though on nutes as the leaves towards end showed a lot of burn and started to crak on a couple of bigger plants, damn wish I had of took photos bout this. But seems I did little damage to the actaul nugs which just kept on growing to my amazment

I have also pulled out a cuple of seeds from the harvest, seems like the babies really wanted to fert themselves. Gonna keep them for futire grow.

Gonna spend sopme time now and relaly get the grow room sorted with some adequate air removal and replen. (the skunk really started to stink to high fuck last week or so.

Also I could have let them carry on growing for about another week or so, but got paranoide about the stink as I got too many nosy fuk sisters and brother who perically call and annoy the shit out of me:finger:. lol, live and learn.

Gonna try white widow next, This was my first grow which went kind of tits up as I only had a small grow room with one enviro and 6 very tall plants competing for what very little room there is. So will be interesting tto see what I can produce as I found White Widow to be a really ephoric high.

To anyone thinking of growing this skunk No1 I can whole heatly reccomend it. As the breeders say its very stable (or try VERY forgiving for us amatures)

Commercial growers should be really impressed with the gigantic yeilds too. If I were honest I would say that tis grow has produced more than what all previous grows did. Ok enough rambling on.

Yup..You definatley learn as you go.

Peace people

PS, I did very little flushing mambey the last feed or so, The taste is excellent bit like oranage and mint:weed:
