Skunk #1 Autos ~ Sensi Seeds US


Day 1 [08/15/24]
I was gettin a lil worried there, but 4 days later we have a sprout! The other seed is rooted, but still not quite ready to pop. The shells on these seeds seem extra tough. I have a bonus bean growing alongside these as an “experiment,” and it was the first to shoot up and it got fairly tall but was still a little helmet head. I misted it and helped it out of its shell. Same with the other seed that popped. I’ve heard in passing that this might not be the right way to do it, but then again I feel like this is a superstitious community and one of the grow channels I watch seems to have no issues when they assist their lil beans. Anywho-
I have two tiny autos growing in a closet with minimal setup (including the bonus bean). The bonus is on the right, it’s all curvy from popping upside down, I think. Lil gal on the left I guess I overwatered her but it’s okay I got the seed for free from a guy who couldn’t remember how long he had them. We were talking about this grow and he was telling me some great stuff about autos and why he only grows photos now and so he had some auto beans to spare. White Russian and possibly G13? I mightve got the number wrong but yea none of those seeds really amounted to anything except that one. Doesn’t seem like great genetics and I also biffed it almost immediately LMAO but that’s how I learn!


Woohoo weeeed! I start my new job tomorrow also! Just wanted to slip that in lol! Woo!
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Day 3 [08/17/24]

So you may notice on the bonus that there’s a little friend! This made me super happy to see, because this girl is in random leftover soil from other plants in my backyard. Now I know that there is mycelial growth, and I didn’t even need to add any myco boost. Pretty rad if you ask me. Righty looks like she’s having some trouble fore the moment but i’ve seen in other grows that the tiny sprout becomes the biggest producer of buds. I’m super happy about how this is going so far! Woop woop!


Well-Known Member
Day 3 [08/17/24]
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So you may notice on the bonus that there’s a little friend! This made me super happy to see, because this girl is in random leftover soil from other plants in my backyard. Now I know that there is mycelial growth, and I didn’t even need to add any myco boost. Pretty rad if you ask me. Righty looks like she’s having some trouble fore the moment but i’ve seen in other grows that the tiny sprout becomes the biggest producer of buds. I’m super happy about how this is going so far! Woop woop!
They all seem to be doing well. Also you dont need to really cover them over with those clear pots and bottles they will do fine without. Happy growing man


Day 9 [08/23/24]



Sorry, I use my phone for these pics and I was uploading from there so I didn't realize on a big screen they appear out of focus, even if just slightly. Anyways, slow progress for now. You can see that lefty has burnt tips on her new growth, and righty has some beauty marks on the "old" growth. I haven't changed anything and I've barely watered them since the soil seems to stay moist for quite a bit. Is this a bit of nutrient burn on one and a pH fluctuation on the other? I honestly have no clue... looking at various symptoms of differing issues confuses me. They all look the same to me haha! In any case, I know it isn't really my fault. Check out the bonus bean:
Isn't she gorgeous? Puts her twin sisters to shame IMO. I know that this sprout might end up being the least bountiful just cus genetics are crazy like that, but she's pretty. And the fourth girlie? Well, call her Hank, cus she's a GD mutated BEAST!Screenshot 2024-08-23 102334.png


Day 15 [08/29/24]
Allo! Today (yesterday, day 14, technically) I was informed is a good point to top dress my auto-flowering babes, but I see only one babe with the power. Yes, the bonus bean! And I’m not gonna top dress her since she’s already an ‘extra’ :roll:
Maybe if I have some extra good good soil then I will. She doesn’t seem like she needs it, but does that mean maybe she will more than her stunted sisters later on?!? Aw crap… okay, she’ll at least get some nute powder in some medium so it gets watered in over time.

Anyways, check out their progress:

Bonus Bean:

Hank: (Place your bets now! Will he pull through?!)


The sisters:IMG_8886.jpeg

The reason I say BB is the only babe with the power is because the sisters don’t seem to be tall enough quite yet for a top dressing… Plus their pots are a little full lol, but that’s on me. I’m a little bit frustrated with their growth because I’m assuming a multitude of factors went in to their being small, and since they’re nearly at the same size I can safely assume it isn’t much to do with genetics. You can see Lefty is slightly bigger, but they share a similar shade.

What I’m getting at is that I went to a grow supply and talked at length with the guy who owned it. He opened the store literally because he loves growing so much and wanted to be the thing he always had trouble finding. I thought that was really cool and just took him for his word, but it seems like he kinda recommended us the wrong thing.

I lurked on Buddha threads seeing the very simple grow process and wanted to mimic it for my first grow, but the owner assured me that the soil mix I bought was all that I needed and that it wouldn’t burn my babies. Lo and behold, I’m seeing that they look a little overwhelmed and aren’t growing the same way as a bean put into “crappy old soil” is. Next time I guess I’ll have this soil to reuse since it’ll have had a lot of nutrients sucked out, and next time I’m just gonna go with my gut while being open to advice. Cus this is technically my second grow. My first grow I fell victim to the “just take a seed and pop it into FFOF and you’ll have weed!” which did not work at all; it was sad. I do have one plant from that run that is flowering and considering how it looked a couple months ago- it’s fucking gorgeous now, but it’s the sole survivor of a run of like a baker’s dozen beans. It was hard as a newbie watching them all fizzle out and not realizing until later that it was most likely the insanely high nutrient density that they weren’t able to do anything with (coupled with a crazy heatwave) and yea no dice. I’d probably have made that mistake twice if I had not seen someone else’s ganja that survived the heat just fine. That’s why I specifically asked him,
”This soil won’t burn them or stunt them, right?”
And he denied it with full confidence. I should have known when he told me he hates growing autos lol…

okay okay yapping time is over. I know it’s all gonna be fine, I’m just kvetching a little. It’s cathartic! See ya! bongsmilie


Day 24 [9/07/24]
It's been a minute! C'est la vie. The plants are looking decent. BB looks pretty crazy!





The Beast: (was placed outside, obviously, for better or worse remains to be seen)

BB next to a ruler:

We top dressed them today with some nute mix amended into the soil, and then watered them a bit. Not much else to say. Just a waiting game now. Next time I'm thinking I'll do more consistent updates. I didn't think about it really, but I guess that's sort of the whole point of this... otherwise how will I remember what I did right or wrong? Hindsight is 20 20 I spose.