Skinny new growth in veg


Can someone please tell me what it means when your new growth is coming out skinny skinny and stuck together. The leaves are folding up like a taco also.

Is this from a lock out or bad ph??

I flushed the plants and then water them with phD water @ 6.3 to correct the problem.

can someone please tell me the problem and What causes this??


Well-Known Member
can we get a picture???

info would be good too.
grow medium, indoor or out, nutes , lighting etc.


im in promix and ph @ 6.3 and use house and garden. week 2 in veg, indoor, temps are 71-75 and there are sour kush, OG Kush, Blueberry and ice. 1000 watt MH


Active Member
Could be some kind of deficiency due to lock up. What's your run off ph? There appears to be some yellowing in between the veins aswell.


can calcium caz the shitty color green and small growth?? I was told this may be the problem and to give them calmag.


Active Member
if you just flushed them can't you measure the PH of the water that comes out the bottom of the pot? The difference in PH from the water you put in and the water that comes out could tell you if there is a problem in the soil indicating a flush could be needed. I would wait a day or two after the flush to see how they react before trying to add anything.


Whats your watering sched??? No expert but overwatering can look similar to a couple of those. Are the stems/stalk purple at the top, the whole stem or is that just the pic?? Look into sulfer def.. Yellowing could be nitrogen def but again just a thought


if you just flushed them can't you measure the PH of the water that comes out the bottom of the pot? The difference in PH from the water you put in and the water that comes out could tell you if there is a problem in the soil indicating a flush could be needed. I would wait a day or two after the flush to see how they react before trying to add anything.
I just phD a cup of water and ran through my pot. The run off was 6.3, the same as it went in.


well I decided to try some things. I took a plant and gave it just calmag. I took another plant and feed it a dose of house and garden. The rest of the plants just got water. I'll know in a week what worked :/


Well-Known Member
They may be a touch on the hungry side but other than that they look fine. The skinny growth is just new stuff coming in. It will fatten up.

My money is on the one you fed H&G - as long as you didn't over do it. ;)


ok, so after 3 days of read and feeding along with tech support from house and garden...this is a bad Calcium and Mag problem. I don't know how I didn't know this but here are the facts.

The ph is perfect, no build ups, new growth is small, new growth is brownish and pale green, leaves are curling...These are classic signs of Calium problems. The plant I gave just CalMag to is now on the rebound and lush green is coming back in full force.

Thanks for all the imput and help you guys :blsmoke: