skillet for dry sift?


Well-Known Member
so i was thinking of getting a skillet style nail and idk if i should go with a glass dome abnd swing arm style like this

or a ttitanium one like this

i want to use it exclusively for non full melt hash like temple balls made from sift or straight sift. actually are any of these a good idea? basically i just got screens and will be sifting my harvest and i am not sure the best way to go about smoking mostly this sift for a month or more. i cannot even find a decent hammer pipe tbh it seems they dont make stuff for temple ball hash or asift that isnt full melt. ik i can crumble some weed but i dont wanna do that often tbh i use that for joints. anyway someone advise or link me what i should buy, either one of the above or soemthign different

oh i was also eying those eagles bill style vape pipes with a screen, looks like a meth pipe or something shady. here is one. i would use a titanium screen but this is the idea

the only other thing i consiodered is a traditional kif or sebsa pipe of stone or wood but their cheap price scares me
So I tried to do the vaping kief in the meth pipe thing, could never get that to work for me.

That bell is probably the best link you showed, I’m assuming it’ll be like a hot knife sort of deal. Actually I might try to find me one on DHGate right now, looks cool but I wouldn’t pay more than 15 for it.
So I tried to do the vaping kief in the meth pipe thing, could never get that to work for me.

That bell is probably the best link you showed, I’m assuming it’ll be like a hot knife sort of deal. Actually I might try to find me one on DHGate right now, looks cool but I wouldn’t pay more than 15 for it.
thanks man. yea i was skeptical about that vape pipe. i read someone say they found it worked but it seems like a mess. i agree the bell with skillet is the best idea i just jasnt sure how to go about smoking it off there. do it like a dab and heat the skillet first or torch it while the sift or hash is already on the skillet. they run about $50 in a head shop but i saw one for 25

i found this for $16 that is the same idea except quartz
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If you want to smoke dry sift, just put it on a bowl. If you want to dab, then turn the dry sift into dabbable oil. If you dry to dab kief or non melt hash, it leaves lots of plant residue. You can rosin press dry sift and get nice dabbable rosin, or you can turn it into BHO or even qwiso.
If you want to smoke dry sift, just put it on a bowl. If you want to dab, then turn the dry sift into dabbable oil. If you dry to dab kief or non melt hash, it leaves lots of plant residue. You can rosin press dry sift and get nice dabbable rosin, or you can turn it into BHO or even qwiso.
okay but i kinda adressed this i thought. i am well aware of the many ways to press or process my sift, i have a 20 ton press i have bubble bags i have closed loop bho chamber, clearly i could qwiso my weed etc... however this run i am deseeding weed over screens tho and i wanted to smoke the sift not press it and dab it. i made it clear i am not trying to dab anything and this is not full melt. i want to smoke the sift either as is or as a temple ball which yes clearly has allot of plant material. i also thought i mentioned i dont want to use a bowl because i dont want to crumble weed under it i want to smoke just sift.
now the idea using the dab skillet was because i can clean that easily as it is a flat plate so the plant matter wont make a difference i was thinking. my experience smoking sift in a pipe is its a pain in the ass unless a screen is involved and i really didnt wanna go old school cheap metal pipe. in the end the best is probably the bell skillet or something like this( ) and just hit it like its in a bowl with a mini tri torch. the issue i have with a bowl or pipe is the hole is at the bottom it gets clogged or lets air flow around the ball of hash etc.

or this if not titanium and as i said just torch the hash directly as if it were a bowl. but the holes in this orientation eliminate the other issues i mentioned or thats what im hoping
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I read what you posted previously, you didn't need to recap. My suggestions were based on the simple fact that non melt hash burns like shit. Putting non melt hash on a bowl of flower or in a joint is the Best way to consume it. I get that you are trying to avoid that. I don't understand why you would rather try to smoke planty hash instead of rosin pressing the hash into nice rosin and dabbing it.
I read what you posted previously, you didn't need to recap. My suggestions were based on the simple fact that non melt hash burns like shit. Putting non melt hash on a bowl of flower or in a joint is the Best way to consume it. I get that you are trying to avoid that. I don't understand why you would rather try to smoke planty hash instead of rosin pressing the hash into nice rosin and dabbing it.
if i didnt know non melt hash burns like shit i wouldnt be asking ppl for new ways to smoke it or how they prefer/like to smoke it lol. and the reason is man i dont wanna buy rosin bags to press my kif i press bud if i want rosin. plus i ama busy guy i dont wanna do a two step process of sifting and then pressing, but thanks anyway
also cause smoking hash rules. its got a potency level between cannabis and full melt concentrates.
this is true and rosin has a certain taste from heat causing chemical reactions and even destroying some flavinoids and molecules that are very volatile, even at low temp presses. not terps but other molecules with meidcal benefits. the most full spectrum you can get is sift as is, but i smoke it all diff ways, atm tho i wanna mainly smoke the sift and if i process it further it will be into temple balls
this is true and rosin has a certain taste from heat causing chemical reactions and even destroying some flavinoids and molecules that are very volatile, even at low temp presses. not terps but other molecules with meidcal benefits. the most full spectrum you can get is sift as is, but i smoke it all diff ways, atm tho i wanna mainly smoke the sift and if i process it further it will be into temple balls

yeah, theres a reason temple balls are rolled with very low heat. mmmmm.....temple balls.
Lol you guys seem to think I don't appreciate hash. I very much do, there are just ideal ways to smoke it. What I don't understand is the desire to seek out and use a less then ideal method of consuming it. Hell if you want less then ideal, just do some hot knife hits like we did when we were kids :).

I love cannabis in all its forms. Certain forms just are best enjoyed certain ways. Try whatever you want man, a skillet or a nail like you posted the picture of, it will work, but its gonna be a carboned up mess fast. The torch will try to blow the sift and asses around. Atleast warm press the dry sift into a hash block so it isn't powdery.
Try whatever you want man, a skillet or a nail like you posted the picture of, it will work, but its gonna be a carboned up mess fast. The torch will try to blow the sift and asses around. Atleast warm press the dry sift into a hash block so it isn't powdery.
1. you are using dabs as the comparison when you say it will be a carbed up mess. just because it isn't a crystal clear banger doesn't make it undesirable, unless you are comparing it to dabs as you seem to be imo
2. i said a tri-torch. that's a normal size hand lighter. what i didnt say tho is i also am getting a heat rod or whatever you wanna call it a quartz wand to radiate heat and vape whats there on the skillet with that. idk if it will work but i wanna try it.....but you are thinking giant torch like dabs again
3. i also said i would be usign it as temple balls which is a warm press or a hash block as you put it. but the sift won't matter for reasons i pointed out in #2
Dude take a deep breath, everyone of your responses to me has came across very agitated, like I pissed in your corn flakes by suggesting better approaches to this subject.

1. I'm not assuming anything or comparing things to dabs. I've smoked plenty of hash. Non full melt leaves lots of residue from plant matter, but we already talked about that :). That's just a matter of fact not me comparing it with dabs. I don't care if my banger stays crystal clear. I'm not one of those dab head fuck boys.

2. A quartz wand might work for you. A little light torch like that would probably be better then a big torch for not blowing stuff around. Seems likely it will have to get re-refilled after almost ever sesh. FYI I don't take giant dabs, it's a waste of perfectly good oil.

3. First let me say that temple ball hash and pressed dry sift are NOT the same.

Temple balls are created by removing the trichomes from the plant by hand. Then using the warmth of your hands to activate the compounds as you work the hash into a ball for curing storage.

Normal heat pressed hash is much more common and involves using dry sift to press into blocks. The quilty of the dry sift is directly translated to the quality of the hash.

I hope you have fun with your experiments and find a method that pleases you.
Dude take a deep breath, everyone of your responses to me has came across very agitated, like I pissed in your corn flakes by suggesting better approaches to this subject.

1. I'm not assuming anything or comparing things to dabs. I've smoked plenty of hash. Non full melt leaves lots of residue from plant matter, but we already talked about that :). That's just a matter of fact not me comparing it with dabs. I don't care if my banger stays crystal clear. I'm not one of those dab head fuck boys.

2. A quartz wand might work for you. A little light torch like that would probably be better then a big torch for not blowing stuff around. Seems likely it will have to get re-refilled after almost ever sesh. FYI I don't take giant dabs, it's a waste of perfectly good oil.

3. First let me say that temple ball hash and pressed dry sift are NOT the same.

Temple balls are created by removing the trichomes from the plant by hand. Then using the warmth of your hands to activate the compounds as you work the hash into a ball for curing storage.

Normal heat pressed hash is much more common and involves using dry sift to press into blocks. The quilty of the dry sift is directly translated to the quality of the hash.

I hope you have fun with your experiments and find a method that pleases you.

just wanna be clear ik how real temple balls, charas or whatever are made, but today because of guys liek frenchy canolli etc most ppl will call it a temple ball ussing ther warm bottle method still. the main differrence is it's usually not live resin like most hand rubbed and rolled
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just wanna be clear ik how real temple balls, charas or whatever are made, but today because of guys liek frenchy canolli etc most ppl will call it a temple ball ussing ther war bottle method still. the main differrence is it's usually not live resin like most hand rubbed and rolled

Yeah frenchycannoli has done some awesome stuff for the hash community in the states. I've been watching his adventures since he got to the US and started posting about them. I'd love to get to one of his workshops someday and listen to his stories. He has so many years of first hand experience with traditional hashishans.