Sketchiest Place You've Smoked?


Well-Known Member
About 4 years ago at a police officers house when he handed me a bag that he got off some kids during a traffic stop. Strange, huh?


Well-Known Member
i just remembered a really sketchy place lol..

This wasnt smoking

this was trippley c's

I was back in highschool a year ago, when i skipped a week straight of school.. Monday was the day i cant really remember, but It was including my 5 month anivers.. So i was with three of my friends waiting for my girlfriend and her friends to meet us downtown..

So While chilling on the trolly riding around, one of my friends yells:
"hey dude, thats danny the metal head gutterkid!" So we got off the bus and ran into him again..After talking and smoking for a bit Danny goes "ehhh dudes, I want to see you guys trip on tripple c's" and i laugh because i did those back in middle school at the time.."Ill buy them if one of you takes 16!" And since im the ultra hard dude, and that was my average since i had gotten used to them at such a young age..(though i hadnt taken them in 2 years)

So we ran up to a doller store and brought some lol..

Since we skipped lunch at school, we went up to a pizza shop and everything started smelling so bad to me.. So i went next door to a arab cornerstore so my friend could show me some spoons when it really kicked in and everything started vibrating.. So while my friends ate i sat outside trippin for about what seemed for ever..

In fact I threw off the trash can lid and started puking that lovely pink/orange throwup... and then i blacked out..

I wake up halfishly to a drink being handed to me..

I take 5 long sips, and i start throwing up the dr. pepper in a break dancing sort of way..

(trying to keep my balance and upchuck was hard..)

in my memory we all left and ran down to the edge of the cape fear edge, and sat on a bench for god knows how long..And i called my girlfriend at the time like 30 times, because i forgot 10 seconds after i called her.

she came by and gave me skittles and did i mention i was downtown?

home of the cop station?

i didnt get pulled over or sitated or anything..

it was gereeat!

and it sucked.


Well-Known Member
lets see, I smoke while driving practically everywhere, in line at the drive thru a few times, pretty much everyday at the football field during highschool, in the bathroom at school, just walking down the street a lot, every park, parking lot, or smoking spot where i live...but the sketchiest place I think would either be on the log ride at at knotts berry farm, or the the haunted mansion at disneyland


Active Member
Shit, way too many sketchy ass places.
Downtown Houston, i was valeting parking cars and was on my break. Smoked 2 bowls in my car which was parked on a main street where the event was being held. Id say a good 10-15 cops creeped by me. I was so sketched out but i had to shmoke knowm sayn.
Ahahah one time i pulled up to Chick-fil-a and my car was smoked out. Friends thought it would be funny to roll the window down as we pull up to the window. I thought it would be funny too, so we did and right as my window starts going down smoke pours into chickfila. All the workers are talking in spanish, staring at my car. I was then handed my food and i started moving up there was 4 police officers in there eating. They stood up and the workers pointed at my vehicle and i speed off..
ahahahahah good times. i got plenty more of sketchy close encounters. ahahah


Well-Known Member
when i was 20 i had a bad drug problem and was sent to a detox center for 2 weeks...i knew a gy that was in there when i showed up...he left 3 days later and when his girlfriend came to pick him up he snuck me half a joint...i emptied out a ciggarette and mixed the weed with the tobbacco and repacked the ciggarette...when it was time for a smoke break me and another guy that i was hangin out with went into the smoking section....all the people around us kept saying they smelled pot....i was scared as shit but we got away with time ive ever spent in rehab......


Active Member
back in high school we would sit in the back of the bus and blow smoke into a clear hose stuck out the window.
smoked a pipe at a fair on many rides like the ferris wheel.
hot boxed the bathroom at a Mr. Gas while a buddy was working, then ate free munchies hah

Adamus P.R.I.M.E.

Well-Known Member
when i was workin at BK, I used to roll a blunt while in the middle of lunch... I used to also catch sales at the drive thru window...

I tried Opium while i was deployed to Afghanistan though
** only time i smoked while i was in, I swear ;)**


Active Member
alright..damn near every live concert ive ever been to, random crackhouse, my grandma's roof while cleaning gutters, and a cop parking garage in downtown springfield (didn't realize until after we were ripped that almost every car was a crown vic)


Well-Known Member
i smoked in the bathroom at high school. i never got caught. the funny shit is they'd put these HUGE fans at the entrance to blow all the smoke out into the halls. dumbasses.