skam's feminized white widow cfl closet grow


Active Member
DAY 18
Im pretty sure i stunted it after transplanting from the dasani bottle she was in. The soil was really compact around the roos, like a soil popsicle, i was thinking about adding more perilite to lighten it up, but CIL has perilite in it is it posible its just not enough?..and now the fucking flies are all over my fucking plant. not like 400 of em, but about4 or 5 and theyre walking on the surface soil and i can see them going under the soil. is this a common problem with store bought soil? i mean, should flies come out of soil? my baby (pics comming tonight) is yellowing on the 2 original leaves and the remaining leaves have browning on the tips which is slowly working its way up the leaves. is this a nute burn or light burn? either way i have given it no nutes yet, and the flourecents are 2.75 inches away. could it be the work of those fucking flies? they came out of my cfl all purpose soil (which cil says has no nutes in it). im wondering wether or not to get my money back from rona because their soil has flies in it. HELP ME PLEASE.


Well-Known Member
Keep up the good work. I saw an episode of Myth Busters and they played all different types of music and found that the Rock out did all the other genera tried.


Active Member
i finally switched up the marley/johnson and turned on my rock! actually, i just tuned the ol radio to the modern rock station. having porblems with some kind of browning/burning of leaves, i raised my light up to 3 inches away. hoping that it wont burn it, but i dont know where to pick up some ph down locally. my soil ph is always 6.8 so it needs to get lowered soon. aaaaaaaaaaahhh!


Active Member
so i forgot what week, day im on, but since my white widow now has 4 3 finger leafs and is shooting up like at least 4-6 cm's a day im going to call this Week 1. ive ordered some organic nutes (Bustan - Toronto Hydroponics Grow Lights Nutrients Hydroponic Supplies Canada) from bustan (sorry if thats not a sponsor but they are great and canadian) so im waiting on that shit. Also finally gots me some 6400k t8s so now hopefully itll start growing even faster. it seems to love the modern rock radio station. Im watering her maybe 3/4 of a beer mug of distilled every 6 days. getting a soil moisture meter today and a thermometer because it is supposed to be about 25 degrees in a few days and having no a/c is a real bitch. probably invest in a/c after i gets the odour remover. no sense venting out ganji-air to the neighbors...peace out