Sizing a dehumidifier


Well-Known Member
My CO2 tank is piped to the oscillating mouth of the mini split head. I have been thinking about rigging a SCROG with PVC pipe and pushing the CO2 through the drilled holes for the string/net to deliver CO2 directly to the plants but the Atlas CO2 controller enriches the atmos up to 1500ppm I don't suppose this design would be all that functional/efficient.
Good idea. I remember a book from way back called Marijuana Hydroponics by Daniel Storm. In it he detailed a RDWC homemade diy system way before anyone was really running DWC especially recirculating. Anyways he threw out a plan and an idea about these platform dealys that were almost like shipping pallets but completely boxed out and covered. Hollowed on the inside. The top had perforated holes in a pattern for each bucket or pot to sit next to or around. On one side of this hollow platform he ran small squirrel cage blowers (just 2 one at each end and small- like the old 265 cfm ones) and blew co2 rich room air into the platform and out the perforated holes. Just like an air hockey table. Leaves fluttering at all times absorbing max co2 right where you want it. Always wanted to try this. Its an old small book. Bought it at the Hash Bash way back in the day.


Well-Known Member
Good idea. I remember a book from way back called Marijuana Hydroponics by Daniel Storm. In it he detailed a RDWC homemade diy system way before anyone was really running DWC especially recirculating. Anyways he threw out a plan and an idea about these platform dealys that were almost like shipping pallets but completely boxed out and covered. Hollowed on the inside. The top had perforated holes in a pattern for each bucket or pot to sit next to or around. On one side of this hollow platform he ran small squirrel cage blowers (just 2 one at each end and small- like the old 265 cfm ones) and blew co2 rich room air into the platform and out the perforated holes. Just like an air hockey table. Leaves fluttering at all times absorbing max co2 right where you want it. Always wanted to try this. Its an old small book. Bought it at the Hash Bash way back in the day.
The Atlas co2 controller is preset at 1500ppm so it will flow until the whole atmos is enriched, kinda making any delivery system i put in redundant.

Still, it's an afternoon of build-y fun I suppose. Just not that confident that a pvc Scrog frame would be sturdy enough. Will have to test.


Well-Known Member
So how do you guys feel the yield is with co2 as without it worth for sure ?
If your room is sealed up good and you control.the climate....yes. If you can keep about 800 to 1500 ppm of co2 blowing around your plants at all time during lights on...hell yes you will see increase in yield. Depending on strain your looking at 10 to 20 % more final dry weight yield. Of course you still have to feed them rigjt. Water...manage the canopy...good temps and humidity. Matter of fact...generally speaking..
You probably will have to increase all of those factors...stronger nutrient feeds...higher temps and humidity...more aggressive canopy maintenance.
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The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Yup I'm all sealed up in this new room. Was just getting the bugs worked out before popping for the co2 setup.
Is it harmful to humans to be around 1500 ppm of co2? I've read mixed messages on that.
I've also read that 1500 seems to be the correct amount for optimal growth. I'll be at it soon.
And it's only useful during lights on as well I've been told.


Well-Known Member
If your room is truly sealed up...your probably going to need co2. If not you might have to open the door once or twice during liguts on. If your sealed room is tighter than a sunday catholic nun....co2 will be depleted by your plants very quickly with no active or passive ventilation. Its your limiting factor. How long you been gardening indoors bro?


Well-Known Member
HAHA from Humidifiers to CO2... awesome...

How about, dehumidifying options for a small space 3x4x4 ft with VERY high humidity? I'd welcome unorthodox (i.e.: other than a dehumidifier) solutions, but also opinions on good small ones.

As to CO2... I'm sure it's been said before I just don't want to back track:

You need to use it in a sealed grow space, as in both you need a sealed grow space for it to be useful, and conversely you need to use it if you have a sealed grow space (see since 1991's post above).

If you are using a CO2 system, a regulator is pretty much necessary.

BE CAREFUL! If you're using it in a large space (Like a grow room) that you spend time in (like tending to plants) and you're levels are high... that is not safe for you. Also i you have it in a small space, let's say a bedroom closet, and it leaks that's not safe either.

There is a simple way to add some CO2 to either space: Home-brewing. Fermentation produces high quantities of CO2... definitely plenty to help your grow... depending on it's size and your brew size. May not reach the levels of a tank system, but effective, can be done easily and inexpensively, with the added bonus of getting you alcohol. Rising dough is another option.. if you like home made bread... though a little trickier (bread yeast is fast acting)


Well-Known Member
There arw some good threads on co2 and the different ways to get it to your garden on this forum. I will say this....if you cant afford to buy a burner or tank and regulator...and the ppm controller to disperse it then i wouldnt bother. Fermentation in my experience is far from effective. And a ventilated traditional grow room is not ideal for consistent target amounts. Iam outta here. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Fermentation in my experience is far from effective.
Might not be doing it right.

I have a small, sealed box... and even up to a large box or closet: effective? yeah. Ideal? depends on the definition. The best possible? Not at all.

And a ventilated traditional grow room is not ideal
That's fact, and obvious... it's been mentioned, in my post right above yours for one ;-)

But thanks or dropping in :)


New Member
Hi everyone, it is a privilege to be here and i need your support. I am new to dehumidifier purchase and I am looking forward to install a unit in my son's room. I have seen plenty of options online but this blog features a list which is of interest to me but how to fetch out the right unit is really a tough one as all of them look of the same size and price range. I would be glad if anyone can help me ascertain the products and weigh each of their features to see the end result as a suggestion.