
Fluff E

Active Member
This is my first grow. I'm 10 days into flowering and was hoping someone could tell me how big this thing is gonna get. It's over two feet now. I have it under 150 watt HPS and some flourescents. Any idea how much bud it will produce?



Active Member
im guessing we wouldnt really be able to tell by the info you gave us. even then its hard to calculate how much you might yield. as long as the plant isnt stretched and is big then you will get a nice harvest. what strain are you using anyways? any pics of it?


Well-Known Member
strain has a lot to do wuth it as well as light.

as for what my stuff does

if i veg to 18" from clone the about 40 to 45 inches.

12/12 from seed this is a crap shoot as to what will happen. most stop aroun 24" but some go to 50"

a good rule of thumb is double the size at the start of 12/12 light cycle. some strain will triple.

Fluff E

Active Member
I just put up some pics. its a bit stretched at the top cause it was trying to grow out from underneath a much bigger plant that was right beside it. i ended up cutting that one down cause it turned out to be a male. matter of fact i had 8 plants and 7 of them were either male or hermi. i just have this one female now but she is budding all over. I dont know the strand. these were just some healthy looking seeds my neigbhor gave me.


Well-Known Member
How tall was it when you first introduced 12/12?

Flowering plants will grow 2-3 times as big during flower, so go from there


Well-Known Member
How tall was it when you first introduced 12/12?

Flowering plants will grow 2-3 times as big during flower, so go from there
the short ones are from a 12/12 from seed grow.

the tall one were 18" at time of 12/12 start.

Brick Top

New Member
This is my first grow. I'm 10 days into flowering and was hoping someone could tell me how big this thing is gonna get. It's over two feet now. I have it under 150 watt HPS and some flourescents. Any idea how much bud it will produce?

It is impossible to guess a yield since there are so many variables involved but when it comes to how large your plants will get, while again that does have variables, you can expect them to double to triple in height and to be safe I would suggest you expect them to triple so you put them into flower soon enough so you do not run out of height or outgrow your lighting capability and end up with nothing but popcorn buds or no buds on the lower portion of your plants.

It makes no sense to intentionally outgrow your lighting capability because what small amount you will gain in yield will not be worth what will be lost by the additional time and expense and setting back your date for beginning another crop.