SIX weeks in flower, BAD curling , help?

anthone bonder

Well-Known Member
i'm sorry to jump on your thread but i'm having the same problem.......bottom leaves are almost yellow and the top leaves have brown spot in the middle of them and the tips look reddish brown as well.... I'm using nova bloom, floralious, liquid kool bloom, and pineapple rush. The plants go through a gal of nutes in two days so i thought i was over feeding them bygiving them nutes that much so i flushed with nothing but ph bal. water and it seems to hav gotten worst. I'm 5 weeks into flowering and the buds are coming along nice. I dont want my plant to die this close to harvest. should i go back to feeding them every two days??? any info would be appreciated!!!!!

same question about thew harvest?? please follow my thread... i'll follow back