Well-Known Member
jimminy hell with a stun gun. You need a damn cattle prod.
i didn't know that pcp users had their own cards.. where do i sign up to get one of them bad boys.. and just exactly where is the pcp scene at?? i wouldn't mind looking into it.. do i need some kind of special invite by steve to get let in first??Come one guys, I raised my lil sis better than that. And plus the guys they were cardholders, and have been around the scene for a while.
lol how your search go?and what if i want to be just like steve????? lmao.. mawahahaha..
meant to get back at you and say thanks for the solid ...'s, but you know how that goes, lol.. anyhoos, as it wasn't for me but rather someone else, i haven't been over yet, was just sitting here thinking maybe i'll get up a lil early tomorrow and go and see what i can dig up.. thanks again for the leads though... that's pretty much where i would have looked anyhoo' how your search go?
lol.. that's what i was wondering.. i thought maybe you copied and pasted it or some shit,.. maybe it was the dust fairy, lmao..why did your post come ontop of mine wtf... who cares iam stone...
man, that must be some super weed your smoking.. first my post on top of yours, and now the double post.. you know what they say.. don't bogart the joint my friend..the only dust i got is sum yellow skunky pollen saturated and preserve ,,, maybe hook fuck would enjoy a nice sniff , i would tell him is that raw from peru , he would prob try to rob me again...
I feel where you're coming from dude, but I honestly don't think the issue of it being laced is so. My sister confirmed that the hits went in rotation beginning with the girls, and no dudes in between. My sister was actually the first girls to hit the bong** and then another girl, and another. The girl that was effected in such an ill manner was the third in rotation**, there was just girls in between her so no dude could've given her the slip. AND the weed was that of my sister AND which I HAVE BEEN SMOKING yet to feel any violent mannerism, causing me to bite others.where did the smoke come from? who rolled ? it maydah been one of the dudes, back in high school dudes where always putting shit on blunts to take advantages of chicks , sad but true, if this is the case get a hold of some meth tell your sister to spark them up and watch their lifes melt... i hate syntetic drugs i fucking hate them and those who crave them... i tryed helping a friend who really like 8 balls and i aint talking about the two pound black ball, this fuck face rob me and me rooms mate so he could pouder his sorry hook nose , he hates weed , go figure and now days gets clean and preaches shit , i ran onto him last year at a aa meeting and preached so much crap , his only clean when he sees his po and looks like shit anyother time , sad fuck... take care of your sis dude , shes hanging with loosers...