Sire's 3K HSO Blue Dream

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
Had to chop one down in the flower room, for some reason it jus started to wilt over the last 4 days or so. Didn't wanna leave it in there and risk it decaying so it's hanging to dry in its own little world.

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
Nice haul there Sire :) Would love to hear your take on the first run under the Nanolux 630 when you get a chance. Cheers.
So far they seem comparable to my HPS 1k'sbut after drying will determine my end thoughts.
I won't be doing a ScroG that big again I can assure u, am finding a lot of branches that were laying under colas that didn't get noticed so we're never tied up. Feel like I coulda done a few things different and woulda increased my yeild, but I don't like to speculate end weight before it is here.


Well-Known Member
So far they seem comparable to my HPS 1k'sbut after drying will determine my end thoughts.
I won't be doing a ScroG that big again I can assure u, am finding a lot of branches that were laying under colas that didn't get noticed so we're never tied up. Feel like I coulda done a few things different and woulda increased my yeild, but I don't like to speculate end weight before it is here.
Even if it was close to a 1k hps, for a first run I'd call that successful :) Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Well the numbers are in and the HPS's are out. Don't know if it is from the Plant numbers or the LEC/CMH 70 zips puts me a Lb. over the last run, gonna pick up 2x 315's <might do the $200 one's i keep seeing referred too> for 2x 4x4 tents, and one more 630 fixture for bloom.
Please enlighten me, I'm looking to illuminate a 4x4 and have not seen any 200$ option for cmh...
out of your 2 current fixtures, would you recommend sun system's 315's with the Philips driver and bulb or nanolux 630's

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
The 200$ Was a kit that they don't sell anymore, not sure what happen to they guy.
The hoods are sunsystem, the ballast are Sunplix. I think this will be a better judge of the two with the way I have it setup now.